Clinical Images
A Phantom Lesion in the LMCA Demonstrates Concertina Effect
Nitin Kumar Parashar, MD, DM; Mumun Sinha, MD, DM; Gautam Sharma, MD, DM
Video supplement to “A Phantom Lesion in the Left Main Coronary Artery: Concertina Effect,” by Parashar, et al. (November 2021 Clinical Images).
Classically described in tortuous coronaries, the concertina effect is a type of pseudostenosis induced by guidewire and is extremely rare in the left main coronary artery because of its short length. However, concertina effect in the left main coronary artery after percutaneous intervention should be considered in the appropriate setting to avoid confounding management dilemmas and unwarranted interventions. The following video series demonstrates this rare phenomenon.