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European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) News

European Society for Emergency Medici...
The researchers say that CPR saves lives and urge people to learn how to perform CPR and to give it without hesitation to anyone who needs it, regardless of gender, age or location.
The researchers say that CPR saves lives and urge people to learn how to perform CPR and to give it without hesitation to anyone who needs it, regardless of gender, age or location.
The researchers say that CPR...
Cath Lab Digest

Saranas, Inc. News

Saranas, Inc. News
The Early Bird Bleed Monitoring System monitors and detects endovascular bleed complications through a novel application of bioimpedance sensors.
The Early Bird Bleed Monitoring System monitors and detects endovascular bleed complications through a novel application of bioimpedance sensors.
The Early Bird Bleed Monitoring...
Cath Lab Digest

Society for Vascular Surgery News

Society for Vascular Surgery News ...
The new Vascular-VP outpatient standards detail elements of vascular surgical care and quality across nine domains.
The new Vascular-VP outpatient standards detail elements of vascular surgical care and quality across nine domains.
The new Vascular-VP outpatient...
Cath Lab Digest

Attune Medical News

Attune Medical News
Attune Medical’s ensoETM is a single use thermal regulating device that is placed in the esophagus and connected to an external heat exchange unit, creating a closed-loop system.
Attune Medical’s ensoETM is a single use thermal regulating device that is placed in the esophagus and connected to an external heat exchange unit, creating a closed-loop system.
Attune Medical’s ensoETM is a...
Cath Lab Digest

Canadian Journal of Cardiology News

Canadian Journal of Cardiology News ...
In addition to extreme weather and air pollution being associated with cardiovascular events, the comprehensive lifetime exposure of individuals to their surrounding environment is closely interlinked to cardiovascular health.
In addition to extreme weather and air pollution being associated with cardiovascular events, the comprehensive lifetime exposure of individuals to their surrounding environment is closely interlinked to cardiovascular health.
In addition to extreme weather...
Cath Lab Digest

Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) News

Annual Meeting of the European Associ...
Discussing potential reasons for the findings, the authors say that the standard care following a heart attack has improved with more availability of, for example percutaneous coronary intervention and better overall medical treatment.
Discussing potential reasons for the findings, the authors say that the standard care following a heart attack has improved with more availability of, for example percutaneous coronary intervention and better overall medical treatment.
Discussing potential reasons for...
Cath Lab Digest

Radiological Society of North America News

Radiological Society of North America...
In the prospective study, researchers in Denmark assessed the three-year clinical outcomes of patients who underwent CT angiography and CT angiography-derived fractional flow reserve (CT-FFR).
In the prospective study, researchers in Denmark assessed the three-year clinical outcomes of patients who underwent CT angiography and CT angiography-derived fractional flow reserve (CT-FFR).
In the prospective study,...
Cath Lab Digest

Cedars-Sinai News

Cedars-Sinai News
ECMO, once widely viewed by physicians as a last-chance therapy for patients close to death, was prominently employed with success during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the virus was at its peak and many patients arrived at the hospital on the...
ECMO, once widely viewed by physicians as a last-chance therapy for patients close to death, was prominently employed with success during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the virus was at its peak and many patients arrived at the hospital on the...
ECMO, once widely viewed by...
Cath Lab Digest
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Socioeconomic status (education, income, employment status and health insurance) appears to be an uneven predictor of heart health with white adults benefitting the most in comparison to Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans,...
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Socioeconomic status (education, income, employment status and health insurance) appears to be an uneven predictor of heart health with white adults benefitting the most in comparison to Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans,...
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Socioeconomic...
Cath Lab Digest

Philips News

Philips News
Featuring Philips’ latest-generation flat detector technology, advanced imaging algorithms, and personalized user profiles, the new system delivers superior image quality, dose efficiency, and workflow customization.
Featuring Philips’ latest-generation flat detector technology, advanced imaging algorithms, and personalized user profiles, the new system delivers superior image quality, dose efficiency, and workflow customization.
Featuring Philips’...
Cath Lab Digest