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Aspirin in CVD

University of Galway News

University of Galway News
"Until further evidence becomes available, it seems reasonable that persons already safely treated with low-dose aspirin for primary prevention may continue to do so, unless new risk factors for aspirin-related bleeding develop," said lead...
"Until further evidence becomes available, it seems reasonable that persons already safely treated with low-dose aspirin for primary prevention may continue to do so, unless new risk factors for aspirin-related bleeding develop," said lead...
"Until further evidence becomes...
Cath Lab Digest
Cancer & Heart Disease

Virginia Commonwealth University News

Virginia Commonwealth University News...
This study waded deeper into the understanding of the impact of childhood cancer on survivors’ risk of death later in life following a major cardiovascular event compared to individuals who never had cancer, but also experienced one of those...
This study waded deeper into the understanding of the impact of childhood cancer on survivors’ risk of death later in life following a major cardiovascular event compared to individuals who never had cancer, but also experienced one of those...
This study waded deeper into the...
Cath Lab Digest
Pulmonary Hypertension

Aria CV, Inc. News

Aria CV, Inc. News
The Aria CV Pulmonary Hypertension System is an implantable gas-filled balloon that is introduced percutaneously and functions in the main pulmonary artery to alleviate the excessive workload on the right heart.
The Aria CV Pulmonary Hypertension System is an implantable gas-filled balloon that is introduced percutaneously and functions in the main pulmonary artery to alleviate the excessive workload on the right heart.
The Aria CV Pulmonary...
Cath Lab Digest
Early venous filling
Stroke Research

University of Zurich News

University of Zurich News
Researchers have demonstrated that the outcome of stroke treatments depends on the collateral network. Collaterals are blood vessels that cross-connect adjacent arterial trees, providing potential detour networks in case of a vascular...
Researchers have demonstrated that the outcome of stroke treatments depends on the collateral network. Collaterals are blood vessels that cross-connect adjacent arterial trees, providing potential detour networks in case of a vascular...
Researchers have demonstrated...
Cath Lab Digest
Stroke research

University of Gothenburg News

University of Gothenburg News
An ultra-sensitive blood test that reflects brain damage after acute ischemic stroke – and also predicts functional outcome. This is a discovery that is expected to be of great significance in the future. The findings are described in a study...
An ultra-sensitive blood test that reflects brain damage after acute ischemic stroke – and also predicts functional outcome. This is a discovery that is expected to be of great significance in the future. The findings are described in a study...
An ultra-sensitive blood test...
Cath Lab Digest
Intravascular imaging

Philips Medical News

Philips Medical News
LumiGuide uses light reflected along an optical fiber inside a guidewire to generate 3D, high-resolution, color images of devices, including off-the-shelf catheters, inside a patient’s body in real time, from any angle and in multiple views.
LumiGuide uses light reflected along an optical fiber inside a guidewire to generate 3D, high-resolution, color images of devices, including off-the-shelf catheters, inside a patient’s body in real time, from any angle and in multiple views.
LumiGuide uses light reflected...
Cath Lab Digest
intravascular imaging

Mount Sinai News

Mount Sinai News
These are the results from the largest and most comprehensive clinical study of its kind comparing two types of intravascular imaging methods (intravascular ultrasound, or IVUS, and optical coherence tomography, or OCT) with...
These are the results from the largest and most comprehensive clinical study of its kind comparing two types of intravascular imaging methods (intravascular ultrasound, or IVUS, and optical coherence tomography, or OCT) with...
These are the results from the...
Cath Lab Digest
Medication Benefits

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign News

University of Illinois Urbana-Champai...
In mice taking high finasteride doses, the researchers found reductions in total plasma cholesterol, delayed atherosclerosis progression, lower inflammation in the liver, and related benefits. 
In mice taking high finasteride doses, the researchers found reductions in total plasma cholesterol, delayed atherosclerosis progression, lower inflammation in the liver, and related benefits. 
In mice taking high finasteride...
Cath Lab Digest
Vitamins in CV Health

Cleveland Clinic News

Cleveland Clinic News
“What’s exciting about these results is that this pathway appears to be a previously unrecognized yet significant contributor to the development of cardiovascular disease,” said Stanley Hazen, MD, PhD.
“What’s exciting about these results is that this pathway appears to be a previously unrecognized yet significant contributor to the development of cardiovascular disease,” said Stanley Hazen, MD, PhD.
“What’s exciting about these...
Cath Lab Digest
PCSK9 Inhibitors

Family Heart Foundation News

Family Heart Foundation News
Despite improving since 2018, 30.95% of PCSK9i prescriptions are rejected by insurance plans.
Despite improving since 2018, 30.95% of PCSK9i prescriptions are rejected by insurance plans.
Despite improving since 2018,...
Cath Lab Digest