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PAD Awareness

University of Sheffield News

University of Sheffield News
Encouragingly, the study did reveal a decrease in amputation rates over time, particularly in the population with diabetes. Mortality within 90 days of amputation also exhibited a decline over the study period, while the percentage of...
Encouragingly, the study did reveal a decrease in amputation rates over time, particularly in the population with diabetes. Mortality within 90 days of amputation also exhibited a decline over the study period, while the percentage of...
Encouragingly, the study did...
Cath Lab Digest
Circadian Therapy

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus News

University of Colorado Anschutz Medic...
"The impact of circadian rhythms on cardiovascular function and disease development is well established," said the study's lead author Tobias Eckle, MD, PhD, professor of anesthesiology at the University of Colorado School of...
"The impact of circadian rhythms on cardiovascular function and disease development is well established," said the study's lead author Tobias Eckle, MD, PhD, professor of anesthesiology at the University of Colorado School of...
"The impact of circadian rhythms...
Cath Lab Digest

NIH/National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute News

NIH/National Heart, Lung and Blood In...
The research specifically looked at damage to the hearts of people with SARS-CoV2-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a serious lung condition that can be fatal. But researchers said the findings could have relevance to...
The research specifically looked at damage to the hearts of people with SARS-CoV2-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a serious lung condition that can be fatal. But researchers said the findings could have relevance to...
The research specifically looked...
Cath Lab Digest
Critical Limb Ischemia

Elixir Medical News

Elixir Medical News
The DynamX Bioadaptor platform is a medical technology designed to establish the new standard of care for vascular interventions. It is the only metallic device designed to support the vessel during the healing phase, after which it unlocks...
The DynamX Bioadaptor platform is a medical technology designed to establish the new standard of care for vascular interventions. It is the only metallic device designed to support the vessel during the healing phase, after which it unlocks...
The DynamX Bioadaptor platform...
Cath Lab Digest
Sex Differences

Johns Hopkins News

Johns Hopkins News
Using data from both mice and humans, a Johns Hopkins Medicine research team has found that a cell surface protein that senses odors and chemicals may be responsible for — and help explain — sex differences in mammalian blood pressure.
Using data from both mice and humans, a Johns Hopkins Medicine research team has found that a cell surface protein that senses odors and chemicals may be responsible for — and help explain — sex differences in mammalian blood pressure.
Using data from both mice and...
Cath Lab Digest
Peripheral Intervention

Cook Medical and Bentley News

Cook Medical and Bentley News
Cook Medical and Bentley announced a United States distribution agreement for the BeBack Catheter. Over the coming months, Cook Medical will be assuming commercial responsibilities for this Bentley product.
Cook Medical and Bentley announced a United States distribution agreement for the BeBack Catheter. Over the coming months, Cook Medical will be assuming commercial responsibilities for this Bentley product.
Cook Medical and Bentley...
Cath Lab Digest

Baylis Medical Technologies

Baylis Medical Technologies
MISSISSAUGA, ON, March 18, 2024 – Baylis Medical Technologies Inc. announced the 510(k) clearance and launch of the PowerWire® Pro Radiofrequency (RF) Guidewire in the United States, facilitating venous stent recanalization for total...
MISSISSAUGA, ON, March 18, 2024 – Baylis Medical Technologies Inc. announced the 510(k) clearance and launch of the PowerWire® Pro Radiofrequency (RF) Guidewire in the United States, facilitating venous stent recanalization for total...
MISSISSAUGA, ON, March 18, 2024...
Vascular Disease Management
Mental Health

American Heart Association News

American Heart Association News ...
“For patients who had been hospitalized for coronary artery disease or heart failure and who had diagnoses of anxiety or depression, treatment with psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy or a combination of the two was associated with as much as a...
“For patients who had been hospitalized for coronary artery disease or heart failure and who had diagnoses of anxiety or depression, treatment with psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy or a combination of the two was associated with as much as a...
“For patients who had been...
Cath Lab Digest

Deutsches Zentrum fuer Diabetesforschung DZD News

Deutsches Zentrum fuer Diabetesforsch...
Among middle-aged adults, individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) have a two to four times higher risk of developing coronary heart disease than people without T2D. The research team investigated the predictive performance of protein...
Among middle-aged adults, individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) have a two to four times higher risk of developing coronary heart disease than people without T2D. The research team investigated the predictive performance of protein...
Among middle-aged adults,...
Cath Lab Digest
Diet and CVD

AHA News

AHA News
Among people with existing cardiovascular disease, an eating duration of no less than 8 but less than 10 hours per day was also associated with a 66% higher risk of death from heart disease or stroke. Time-restricted eating did not reduce the...
Among people with existing cardiovascular disease, an eating duration of no less than 8 but less than 10 hours per day was also associated with a 66% higher risk of death from heart disease or stroke. Time-restricted eating did not reduce the...
Among people with existing...
Cath Lab Digest