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Tricuspid Valve Treatment

Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation® News

Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundatio...
Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation® (MHIF) announced the first enrollment in the VISTA U.S. early feasibility study offering a new transcatheter tricuspid valve technology for severe tricuspid valve regurgitation. Paul Sorajja, MD,...
Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation® (MHIF) announced the first enrollment in the VISTA U.S. early feasibility study offering a new transcatheter tricuspid valve technology for severe tricuspid valve regurgitation. Paul Sorajja, MD,...
Minneapolis Heart Institute...
Cath Lab Digest
Lower-extremity intervention

Brigham and Women's Hospital / Boston Medical Center News

Brigham and Women's Hospital / Boston...
“Our study indicates that patients with CLTI have a notably poor quality of life – substantially lower than with many other chronic conditions,” said Matthew Menard, MD. “Our findings show that revascularization significantly improves quality...
“Our study indicates that patients with CLTI have a notably poor quality of life – substantially lower than with many other chronic conditions,” said Matthew Menard, MD. “Our findings show that revascularization significantly improves quality...
“Our study indicates that...
Cath Lab Digest
Drug Safety

American Physiological Society (APS) News

American Physiological Society (APS) ...
“We found that regular use of acetaminophen at concentrations that are considered safe—equivalent to 500 mg/day—causes numerous signaling pathways inside the heart to be altered,” said Gabriela Rivera, the study’s first author. “These results...
“We found that regular use of acetaminophen at concentrations that are considered safe—equivalent to 500 mg/day—causes numerous signaling pathways inside the heart to be altered,” said Gabriela Rivera, the study’s first author. “These results...
“We found that regular use of...
Cath Lab Digest

American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions News

American College of Cardiology Scient...
“Treatments to reduce high triglycerides are an unmet clinical need,” said Brian Bergmark, MD, the study’s principal investigator. “Based on our study’s results, we can say that the drug worked and appeared to be safe. We tested two doses of...
“Treatments to reduce high triglycerides are an unmet clinical need,” said Brian Bergmark, MD, the study’s principal investigator. “Based on our study’s results, we can say that the drug worked and appeared to be safe. We tested two doses of...
“Treatments to reduce high...
Cath Lab Digest
Mechanical Circulatory Support

International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation News

International Society for Heart and L...
“In the next five years, new pumps will have a fully internalized power line and be wirelessly powered from outside the body, just like our iPhones,” said Mandeep R. Mehra, MD, of the Center for Advanced Heart Disease at Brigham Health....
“In the next five years, new pumps will have a fully internalized power line and be wirelessly powered from outside the body, just like our iPhones,” said Mandeep R. Mehra, MD, of the Center for Advanced Heart Disease at Brigham Health....
“In the next five years, new...
Cath Lab Digest
Cathy Biga, ACC President
ACC News

American College of Cardiology News

American College of Cardiology News ...
Cathie Biga, MSN, FACC, has became president of the American College of Cardiology as of April 8, 2024, and made history as the organization’s first non-physician president. She will serve a one-year term representing over 56,000...
Cathie Biga, MSN, FACC, has became president of the American College of Cardiology as of April 8, 2024, and made history as the organization’s first non-physician president. She will serve a one-year term representing over 56,000...
Cathie Biga, MSN, FACC, has...
Cath Lab Digest
Beta Blockers Post MI

American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions News

American College of Cardiology Scient...
“I think that, following this study, many doctors will not find an indication to routinely treat all their patients with beta blockers following a heart attack,” said Troels Yndigegn, MD, interventional cardiologist at Lund University in...
“I think that, following this study, many doctors will not find an indication to routinely treat all their patients with beta blockers following a heart attack,” said Troels Yndigegn, MD, interventional cardiologist at Lund University in...
“I think that, following this...
Cath Lab Digest
Vulnerable plaque

American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions News

American College of Cardiology Scient...
The trial findings suggest that people with high-risk plaques that are likely to rupture could benefit from PCI as a preemptive measure rather than waiting for a heart attack or other severe reduction in blood flow to occur. The PREVENT trial...
The trial findings suggest that people with high-risk plaques that are likely to rupture could benefit from PCI as a preemptive measure rather than waiting for a heart attack or other severe reduction in blood flow to occur. The PREVENT trial...
The trial findings suggest that...
Cath Lab Digest

American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions News

American College of Cardiology Scient...
“We saw a modest but statistically significant difference in the primary endpoint, but there were no significant differences in other measures of blood pressure, including office systolic or diastolic blood pressure,” said David E. Kandzari,...
“We saw a modest but statistically significant difference in the primary endpoint, but there were no significant differences in other measures of blood pressure, including office systolic or diastolic blood pressure,” said David E. Kandzari,...
“We saw a modest but...
Cath Lab Digest
aortic stenosis

American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions News

American College of Cardiology Scient...
“We can now provide strong data that in this low-risk patient population, you could very safely offer TAVR vs. SAVR,” said Moritz Seiffert, MD, professor of cardiology at BG University Hospital Bergmannsheil, Ruhr University Bochum in Bochum,...
“We can now provide strong data that in this low-risk patient population, you could very safely offer TAVR vs. SAVR,” said Moritz Seiffert, MD, professor of cardiology at BG University Hospital Bergmannsheil, Ruhr University Bochum in Bochum,...
“We can now provide strong data...
Cath Lab Digest