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Clinical Videos

Retrieval of a Severely Double-Kinked Catheter in the Right Brachial Artery by Internal Fixation with a Peripheral Angioplasty Balloon

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Video 1. Fluoroscopy shows double knot of the 5-French Judkins right catheter (Medtronic) in the brachial artery at the level of elbow.
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Video 2. Fluoroscopy shows unsuccessful attempt at snaring the catheter tip from right femoral access.
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Video 3. Digital subtraction angiogram shows thrombotic occlusion of the axillary artery.
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Video 4. Fluoroscopy shows straightening of the knot after fixation with a 5 × 100-mm Ultraverse (Becton Dickinson) peripheral angioplasty balloon in the axillary artery.
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Video 5. Fluoroscopy shows slow retrieval of the kinked catheter while the angioplasty balloon was deflated.
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Video 6. Digital subtraction angiogram shows small dissection of the axillary artery due to balloon dilatation with good flow.
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Video 7. Cine-angiogram shows acceptable distal flow in the brachial and ulnar arteries with occluded radial artery.


Video Supplement to "Retrieval of a Severely Double-Kinked Catheter in the Right Brachial Artery by Internal Fixation with a Peripheral Angioplasty Balloon" (Clinical Image).


