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Current Applications for Nicardipine in Invasive and
Interventional Cardiology

Tim A. Fischell, MD and Alok Maheshwari, MD
August 2004
Invasive coronary procedures, such as rotational atherectomy and coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) stenting, are associated with vasoconstriction that sometimes results in increased morbidity or death. The “no-reflow” phenomenon, an adverse effect of cardiac catheterization, and transient perioperative hypertension are examples of vasoconstriction-related complications. Vasodilators such as injectable calcium channel blockers, sodium nitroprusside and adenosine are effective agents for the treatment of these complications. Nicardipine, a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, has several unique properties that make it an appealing treatment option for reversing vasoconstriction. Intracellular calcium release triggered by the calcium influx into the myocyte binds the regulatory protein troponin, resulting in a calcium-troponin complex. This allows actin and myosin to interact and contract. Calcium channel blockers prevent this cascade of events by blocking the calcium influx into myocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells.1 The calcium channel blocking agents block receptors on the L-type calcium channel, giving rise to a slowly inactivating high-threshold current in cardiac cells. The currently available calcium channel blockers include the dihydropyridines (nifedipine, amlodipine, nicardipine, nitrendipine and others); verapamil, which is structurally similar to papaverine; diltiazem, a benzothiazepine derivative; and bepridil, a nonspecific calcium blocker that is infrequently used in the United States. These various calcium channel blocking agents have varying mechanisms of action, leading to different effects on cardiovascular function and to different types of potentially adverse side-effects (Table 1). The dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers demonstrate the following characteristics: 1) dose-dependent blockade of the slow calcium channels;2,3 2) greater selectivity for vascular smooth muscle than for the myocardium, making these drugs more potent vasodilators than either verapamil or diltiazem; 3) vasodilatation of epicardial and arteriolar coronary arteries, which increases coronary blood flow and reduces coronary resistance, possibly enhancing the development of coronary collaterals;4–6 and 4) dose-dependent, reflex tachycardia.7 Nicardipine is an antagonist of the L-type calcium channels. It demonstrates greater selectivity for binding of calcium channels in vascular smooth muscle cells than in the cardiac myocytes.8 This relative tissue selectivity is important in the drug’s utility for the treatment of hypertension and angina. The efficacy in treating these conditions has been demonstrated in animal models as well as in man.9 In animal studies of cerebral ischemia and myocardial infarction, nicardipine has also demonstrated a possible membrane stabilizing action, linked to its lipophilic character. This is a property that is not shared by other dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers.10–12 In addition, unlike other dihydropyridines, nicardipine is photoresistant, water-soluble, and can be administered intravenously. Intravenous nicardipine has a rapid onset of action (1–2 minutes) with an elimination half-life of 40 ± 10 minutes. It is also rapidly distributed, extensively metabolized in the liver and rapidly eliminated.13 Unlike the oral form of nicardipine, there is a linear pharmacokinetic response observed with the intravenous form. After an intravenous infusion, the plasma concentration of the drug declines triexponentially, with a rapid early redistribution phase (half life, 2.7 minutes), an intermediate phase (half life, 44.8 minutes) and a slow terminal phase (half life, 14.4 hours) detected after the long-term infusions.14 Intracoronary nicardipine has been demonstrated to be highly effective in increasing coronary blood flow, while producing minimal systemic side effects.15,16 Nicardipine is predominantly vasoselective, and unlike intracardiac diltiazem and verapamil, it is associated with very modest negative chronotropic and inotropic action.17,18 In this review, we describe the potential evidence-based uses of nicardipine in percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and slow and no-reflow phenomena, in CABG, and in the management of acute hypertension in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. Nicardipine and the prevention or reversal of slow or “no-reflow.” “No-reflow” or “slow-reflow” is a common complication of percutaneous coronary interventions in the setting of saphenous vein graft (SVG) angioplasty or stenting. This complication also may lessen the efficacy of PCI-based myocardial reperfusion in the setting of acute myocardial infarction interventions. The no-reflow phenomenon is defined as a severe reduction in antegrade coronary blood flow (Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction grade of 2 or lower) without angiographic evidence of persistent mechanical vessel obstruction.19,20 There is a large body of evidence to suggest that this condition is primarily caused by microvascular dysfunction/vasoconstriction, and to a lesser extent, mechanical obstruction of the microvascular bed from atheroembolic and/or thrombotic debris.26,29,31 Overall, the etiology of no reflow is multifactorial, complex and variable among different patient subsets. Contributing factors include myocardial necrosis and stunning, reperfusion injury from oxygen free radical production, endothelial cell edema, distal embolization of plaque and/or thrombus, local release of active tissue factor, alpha-adrenergic mediated vasoconstriction and activated platelet-mediated (serotonin and thromboxane) macrovascular and microvascular vasoconstriction.19,21–25 No reflow occurs in 11–25% of patients after percutaneous intervention for acute myocardial infarction but in only 2% of patients undergoing elective PCI. The risk of “no-reflow” is much higher during the treatment of saphenous vein grafts, after atherectomy and during PCI of thrombus containing lesions.26,27 No reflow is associated with adverse clinical outcomes in both elective and emergent percutaneous interventions. Both mechanical and/or pharmacological methods have been shown to be effective in the prevention and/or treatment of no reflow. Pharmacologic options include intravenous glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, nicorandil, papaverine, calcium channel blockers, sodium nitroprusside and adenosine. The mechanical options include the intra-aortic balloon pump, distal (or proximal) protection devices and coronary thrombectomy devices.28 The important role of microvascular vasoconstriction as a predominant mechanism of no-reflow has been demonstrated by the successful reversal of the complication using a variety of microvascular vasodilators (verapamil, diltiazem, adenosine, nitroprusside, etc.).33,34,40,41 The nearly complete reversal of this complication by vasodilators in the majority of cases suggests that mechanical obstruction from distal embolic debris, in most cases, plays a less important role in the causation of no reflow, particularly in SVG interventions.33,34,40,41 Intracoronary calcium channel blockers to treat and/or prevent no-reflow. Intracoronary calcium channel blockers are often administered during PCI when there is evidence of reduced flow.26,29–31 They have also been prophylactically used before an interventional procedure.32,33 Both intracoronary verapamil and diltiazem have been demonstrated to successfully reverse no-reflow after SVG interventions. However, both of these agents may have dose-limiting chronotropic, dromotropic and negative inotropic effects on the heart.15,16,31,34 Nicardipine has been demonstrated to have superior coronary vascular selectivity in animal and in vitro studies. In a recent study involving a beating canine heart model, Jang and Kim observed that nicardipine was associated with a significant increase in local myocardial perfusion after a coronary occlusion was released (Figure 1).35 In a study by Lambert and colleagues, intravenous nicardipine triggered a potent and somewhat more selective vasodilator response in the coronary bed than in the systemic bed.36 In a subsequent study by the same authors, intracoronary nicardipine produced a marked and sustained increase in coronary blood flow that persisted for 7 minutes after administration and only a mild and transient depression of left ventricular contractile function and impairment of left ventricular relaxation.37 In another study, Terris and colleagues employed the same protocol using nifedipine.38 A comparison of the data from the two studies reveals that nicardipine was associated with greater increases in coronary blood flow and less myocardial depression.37 In an important study by Fugit and colleagues, intracoronary nicardipine (200 µg), diltiazem (10,000 µg) and verapamil (200 µg) were serially administered in a randomized double blind fashion to 9 patients who had minimally diseased ( 2 times the upper limit of normal) was observed in only 2/34 patients (5.8%). The successful use of this strategy during PCI of a very high-risk, occluded and thrombus-laden SVG is shown in Figure 2. These favorable results (recently submitted for publication) appear to be at least comparable to, if not superior to, published data using distal protection devices. However, these results should be reconfirmed in a larger randomized trial comparing premedication with nicardipine (combined with direct stenting) to the more standardized and better-studied approaches using distal protection. It is too early to recommend intracoronary nicardipine prophylaxis as a routine alternative to distal protection in high-risk SVG interventions. Use of nicardipine in coronary bypass grafting surgery. Arterial grafts have a been shown to have long-term advantages over venous grafts as conduits for CABG surgery. Arterial grafts, like the radial artery or the musculoelastic part of the internal mammary artery (distal third), have a well-known propensity to spasm.42,43 The frequent failure of the radial artery grafts during the early 1970s was largely attributable to the problems with spasm and intimal hyperplasia.44 The use of spasmolytic calcium channel blockers (e.g., diltiazem) has led to a revival of the radial artery graft procedure for bypass surgery.45 Nicardipine may have several advantages in this clinical setting. First, its duration of action enables titration of the effects during the perioperative and postoperative periods. In addition, nicardipine may protect the cardiac myocytes against the calcium load produced by ischemia, provides membrane stabilizing action and protects myocardial metabolism in the presence of ischemia.46 In an in vitro study by He and Yang, the antispastic effects of nicardipine, nifedipine, verapamil and diltiazem were studied in the human radial artery.47 The results show that the dihydropyridines (nifedipine and nicardipine) were better spasmolytics than verapamil or diltiazem. Specifically, they were more potent in reversing the existing contraction and in preventing the potassium-induced contraction in the radial artery. Verapamil and diltiazem had no effect on preventing contraction in the radial artery. Cable and colleagues also reported that diltiazem has little effect on human radial artery contraction.48 In a study by Radermecker and colleagues,50 consecutive patients underwent myocardial revascularization using the radial artery. Hydrostatic dilatation of the graft was performed with a diluted solution of papaverine (1%), and perioperative intravenous nicardipine was infused, initially at 0.25 µg/kg/min after a 1 mg bolus and adjusted according to the systemic arterial pressure.49 On day 2, nicardipine was administered orally, 20–30 mg three times daily. Angiography performed between days 8 and 10 in the last 20 patients showed a 95% patency in the radial artery grafts. This study demonstrated that nicardipine is at least as effective as the diltiazem protocol. Since nicardipine is not associated with negative inotropic adverse effects, it is easily combined with beta-blockers in postoperative therapy. Acute management of hypertension in the cardiac cath lab. Intravenous nicardipine has been well studied and is approved for the short-term treatment of hypertension.13,50–54 Intravenous nicardipine has been shown to effectively and safely control the acute increase in blood pressure in patients with severe hypertension with and without end-organ damage.55 Because postoperative hypertension occurs in 4–30% of patients after cardiac and noncardiac surgery, rapid control of the condition is desirable. In a randomized study involving patients who had undergone cardiac or noncardiac surgery, intravenous nicardipine was effective in controlling blood pressure in 92% of patients.51 A therapeutic response was achieved in a mean time of 10–12 minutes. Hemodynamic findings in this study included a significant decrease in systemic vascular resistance and a significant increase in cardiac index with no change in heart rate, suggesting that nicardipine does not depress cardiac function. Halpern and colleagues compared intravenous nicardipine and sodium nitroprusside in postoperative hypertension.52 The two agents were equally efficacious and were not associated with any complications, although patients given nicardipine achieved blood pressure control more rapidly and with fewer dosage adjustments while having a significantly lower heart rate. Van Wezel and colleagues studied the efficacy of nicardipine and nitroprusside in preventing poststernotomy hypertension in 45 patients undergoing CABG.56 Both drugs reduced blood pressure effectively, but the incidence of myocardial ischemia was significantly lower among patients given nicardipine (9% versus 24%). Similar results were reported in the other studies that compared these two drugs in the management of hypertension in patients who had undergone CABG.57–60 Vecht and colleagues found that intravenous nicardipine was superior to intravenous nitroglycerin for controlling hypertension after CABG.59 After both drugs were administered as needed to maintain blood pressure below 110 mmHg, the blood pressure dropped sooner among patients given nicardipine than among those given nitroglycerin (mean infusion time, 7.7 hours and 11.9 hours, respectively). In addition, the mean systolic blood pressure dropped to 94 mmHg in the nicardipine group but only to 108 mmHg in the nitroglycerin group. Furthermore, unlike some patients in the nitroglycerin group, none of those in the nicardipine group required a second drug to control their blood pressure. Although no comparative studies have addressed the different agents available for the management of transient hypertension in the cardiac catheterization laboratory, nicardipine remains an excellent choice, and is frequently used in that setting. Conclusion. Intravenous and intracoronary nicardipine administration is safe, easy to use, and produces a predictable response. This drug has several potential advantages over other agents in a variety of settings in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. Nicardipine may be effective in the prevention and reversal of the no-reflow phenomenon during PCI, and in treating coronary vasospasm in arterial grafts (particularly the radial artery) during harvesting and after CABG. Nicardipine may have certain advantages over other calcium channel blockers for these applications, because of its sustained and potent arteriolar vasodilatory effect, with minimal inotropic or chronotropic effects. Finally, the intravenous administration of nicardipine appears to be a safe and effective approach to control hypertension during cardiac procedures.
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