The Magic Medicine That`s Free!
Most of us are now dealing with caner patients. We are satisfied with the successful treatment of the cancer but sometimes the overall well being of the patient is overlooked.
One of the most common and serious limiting factors affecting patients is the presence of fatigue. Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is defined by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) as a “persistent, subjective sense of tiredness related to cancer or cancer treatment that interferes with usual functioning.” It is the most common factor effecting quality of life and is present in 70% to 100% of patients. Whether it is due to the effects of cancer directly, attitude, or the result of treatment is uncertain but its effect is debilitating and depressing. In the literature it has been described as the most prevalent, stressful, and debilitating side effect.
It is incumbent upon us to treat the whole patient when possible. Regarding fatigue, an easy, free, effective medicine is simple exercise. Significant reduction of fatigue has been shown in numerous studies by engaging in simple low intensity exercise for 20 minutes at least 3 times a week. This is as easy as walking or riding a bike. There are multiple peer reviewed prospective studies showing a greater than 50% reduction in fatigue in cancer patients alone or those undergoing radiation and or chemotherapy. Improvement has been documented in over 90% of the studies.
According to the literature, simple exercise can reduce fatigue and increase energy levels at the same time it improves sleep deprivation and self-image. As a result, many patients experience a sense of well being, less depression and a significant improvement in overall quality of life. It is a safe, easy, side-effect-free, efficacious recommendation that we can and should readily pass on to our patients to significantly impact their quality of life.