Series: How the Constantly Changing Technology Landscape is Helping Improve Patient Care
During this podcast series we will hear from John D’Amore of Diameter Health. He will provide an overview of how health organizations are currently using health information exchanges and will also discuss how technology and data integration use in practice impacts health care and patient outcomes.
Episodes will be posted weekly.
Access Part 1 to learn a little about Mr D'Amore, Diameter Health, and how health organizations are currently using technology.
In Part 2, Mr D'Amore discusses how health information exchanges impact health care providers and patients, and highlights why he believes more health systems will adopt health information exchanges into practice.
In Part 3 John discusses how an increase in health care mergers will impact the adoption of health information exchanges.
In Part 4 of our series with John D’Amore of Diameter Health, John discusses the current state of interoperability standards in health care and highlights challenges that health care providers face when they try to utilize some clinical data.
John D'Amore of Diameter Health discusses how health information exchanges help bring down the cost of care in part 5 of our series.
During part 6 of this series, John D’Amore discusses the HITECH Act and explains why the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource guidelines do not address unstructured data.
In part 7, John D'Amore of Diameter Health discusses the threat of data breaches on health care and how often clinical data is lost between providers and payers.
In the final episode of this series, John D'Amore discusses how clinical data integration impacts HEDIS reporting and highlights how interoperability between payers and providers helps improve patient care.