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Miguel Regueiro, MD: Welcome to AIBD

Dr Regueiro, one of the cochairs of Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2020, welcomes virtual attendees to the professional meeting.


Miguel Regueiro, MD, is chair of the department of gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition and professor medicine at Cleveland Clinic.




Hi. I'm Dr Miguel Regueiro. It's an honor to be one of the co-chairs for this year's AIBD 2020. Along with my other co-chairs, Dr Millie Long and Dr Stephen Hanauer, it's our pleasure to bring this virtual educational experience to you.

While we will miss everybody in person and we enjoy our interactions, we promise that this will be a highly informative, educational, and interactive program that will reach even a larger audience than we've been able to reach in the past due to its virtual nature.

Some of the highlights with AIBD 2020 are that we have practical tips and tricks on how to manage inflammatory bowel disease patients. We're looking at how surgery and medicine work together including pediatrics, a multidisciplinary care group of social workers, psychologists.

We have patient stakeholders, young adult patients, and a whole gamut of other experienced physicians that are talking about inflammatory bowel disease.

We welcome you to AIBD 2020. We're really looking forward to the interactive experience in the education, and we have some of the top faculty in the world who are participating this year in this educational experience. Thank you.



