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Miguel Regueiro, MD, on Postoperative Management of IBD

In this video, Dr Regueiro, one of the cochairs of the virtual Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2020, discusses his own keynote address on postoperative assessment and planning and the case discussion session he will moderate on postoperative care of the patient with inflammatory bowel disease. 

Miguel Regueiro, MD, is professor and chair of gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition and director of the Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.



Hi. I'm Dr. Miguel Regueiro. I'm professor and chair of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutritional at Cleveland Clinic. I'm also one of the co-chairs this year for AIBD 2020. Along with my other co-chairs Dr. Millie Long and Dr. Steven Hanauer, we welcome you to this virtual educational experience of AIBD 2020. It promises to be a great conference.

In one of the sessions, Dr. Corey Siegel and I are looking at the spotlight of postoperative Crohn disease and inflammatory bowel disease management. This is a highly interactive case conference that includes surgeons, gastroenterologists, pediatric gastroenterologists. We also have patient stakeholders who will be listening in and actually chatting as we go through this session.

The highlights of this session are for us to evaluate the timing of surgery for ulcerative colitis and Crohn, what we expect in the perioperative period for these inflammatory bowel disease surgeries, different surgical approaches from some of the top colorectal surgeons in the world on how to approach inflammatory bowel disease surgery. Finally, how we evaluate and manage patients after either surgery for ulcerative colitis and surgery for Crohn's disease.

This is going to be a great session. At the end of the session, I will give a keynote address on postoperative Crohn disease management. One of the highlights for this keynote address is that I will be showing actual video clips.

This is important because video clips give us an understanding of how to not only score postoperative Crohn disease but all of us and many of you in the audience that do colonoscopy will give you some tips and tricks on how we approach an anastomosis, how we position the scope, how we look to biopsy, where we should be scoring our postoperative Crohn disease scores.

I think these video contributions will be very practical, very important, and hopefully, you'll find them educational and can take these back to your own practices right after AIBD 2020. Thank you again for attending AIBD 2020. We wish you were in person, but we're so happy to have you virtually join us, and look forward to a great experience. Thank you.



