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Conference Coverage

Miguel Regueiro, MD, on Positioning Therapies for IBD

Dr Regueiro discusses his presentation at the Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases regional meeting on positioning and sequencing therapies for Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis.


Miguel Regueiro, MD, is chair of gastroenterology and of the Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, and chair of the Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases regional meeting in Chicago.


I'm Dr. Miguel Regueiro, I'm chair of gastroenterology and chair for Digestive Disease & Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. And at AIBD Regionals this year on July 23rd in Chicago, I had the pleasure of giving a talk on positioning therapies for IBD, and I really focused on the new therapies and the old therapies, and why is this so relevant.

As part of AIBD this year, we talked about some of the new emerging therapies, what just came out recently and what has come out in the last couple years. And I think the relevance to positioning therapies, we all wonder, which therapies should we use first for Crohn's? Which therapy for ulcerative colitis? Or if you've already used a therapy like an anti-TNF, which is the second therapy?

So we got into the implications of efficacy of therapies, positioning sequences of therapies. I went through a safety pyramid, and I gave an update to my safety pyramid that I presented in the past, but a brand new one that I rolled out here for AIBD in Chicago. So I think it was a good talk and a great discussion that we had that followed that really tied into the cases around, well, how do we treat our IBD patients, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis? So hopefully you are able to see it, and I will certainly give this talk again soon at a future conference.


Reference: Regueiro, M. Positioning therapies for inflammatory bowel disease. Presented at: Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases regional meeting; Chicago, IL. July 23, 2022.



