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Miguel Regueiro, MD, Welcomes You to AIBD 2023

Miguel Regueiro, MD, gives a preview of Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2023, which begins Thursday, December 14, in Orlando, Florida.


Miguel Regueiro, MD, is professor of medicine and chair of the Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.



I'm Dr Miguel Ruggiero. I am one of the national cochairs for this year's AIBD 2023. We have another blockbuster lineup, not only of extraordinary faculty, but we've expanded our patient stakeholder pool, and there will be patients on many of our panels as well. The faculty include gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons, psychologists, dietitians, APPs, nurses, and many, many more. We have really 3 packed days of learning for AIBD.

The special part of this meeting is the interaction between the attendees and the faculty, both in the main room, but in our small breakout rooms. But importantly, we try to keep this real, meaning that we try to keep this practical for the clinical gastroenterologist or the practitioner out there treating Crohn's and ulcerative colitis. So the sessions are very valuable. They're cutting edge, but they're also practical as far as what you can take back to your practice once you leave AIBD 2023.

Also new this year and very exciting is the new AIBD network. This is actually a wonderful educational opportunity as a network to promote the experiences of AIBD 2023. Through this network, you'll get some of the highlights of the talks, some of the action, if you will, what happened at AIBD 2023. We think this network is really novel, innovative, and will be educational and entertaining. So, look out for this new, network at AIBD 2023. So I look forward to seeing everybody in Orlando. 

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