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Inflammatory Bowel Disease Excellence Forum

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Excellence Forum
Leaders in the field sharing authoritative insights and institutional best practices.

Miguel Regueiro, MD
Conference Coverage
Dr Regueiro, chair for Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, delivered the Rick MacDermott Lecture in Advanced and Multidisciplinary Care in IBD at AIBD on the future of IBD care, emphasizing the...
Dr Regueiro, chair for Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, delivered the Rick MacDermott Lecture in Advanced and Multidisciplinary Care in IBD at AIBD on the future of IBD care, emphasizing the...
Dr Regueiro, chair for...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
Edward Loftus, MD
Conference Coverage
Dr Loftus, from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, reviews his keynote address on increasing indications that patients with IBD may be at higher risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and the importance of surveillance for CVD symptoms...
Dr Loftus, from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, reviews his keynote address on increasing indications that patients with IBD may be at higher risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and the importance of surveillance for CVD symptoms...
Dr Loftus, from the Mayo Clinic...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
David Rubin, MD
Conference Coverage
Dr Rubin, from the University of Chicago, details his 8-point strategy for steps the gastroenterology community should take to prepare for another pandemic in the future to ensure the best outcomes for patients and conditions for...
Dr Rubin, from the University of Chicago, details his 8-point strategy for steps the gastroenterology community should take to prepare for another pandemic in the future to ensure the best outcomes for patients and conditions for...
Dr Rubin, from the University of...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
Stephen Hanauer, MD
Conference Coverage
Dr Hanauer reviews his keynote address from December 9 at Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2021 on advances in pharmacology for the treatment of IBD from the advent of sulfasalazine to today’s biologics and small molecules.
Dr Hanauer reviews his keynote address from December 9 at Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2021 on advances in pharmacology for the treatment of IBD from the advent of sulfasalazine to today’s biologics and small molecules.
Dr Hanauer reviews his keynote...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
Gilaad Kaplan, MD
Conference Coverage
Dr Kaplan discusses his talk at Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases about the 4 epidemiological stages of IBD and the challenges facing Western nations as prevalence rises among an aging population.
Dr Kaplan discusses his talk at Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases about the 4 epidemiological stages of IBD and the challenges facing Western nations as prevalence rises among an aging population.
Dr Kaplan discusses his talk at...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
Maria Abreu, MD
Conference Coverage
Dr Abreu, from the University of Miami, reviews her presentation on the progress toward understanding the multifactorial nature of inflammatory bowel disease and how this makes finding an eventual cure especially challenging.
Dr Abreu, from the University of Miami, reviews her presentation on the progress toward understanding the multifactorial nature of inflammatory bowel disease and how this makes finding an eventual cure especially challenging.
Dr Abreu, from the University of...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
A. Sidney Barritt, IV, MD
Conference Coverage
At the AIBD 2021 annual meeting, A. Sidney Barritt IV, MD, the director of the University of North Carolina Liver Center, presented on the different liver abnormalities that can affect patients with IBD.
At the AIBD 2021 annual meeting, A. Sidney Barritt IV, MD, the director of the University of North Carolina Liver Center, presented on the different liver abnormalities that can affect patients with IBD.
At the AIBD 2021 annual meeting,...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
Christina Ha, MD, of Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, California.
Conference Coverage
Christina Ha, MD, of Cedars-Sinai, presented on biosimilars and at-home infusions at the Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2021 Meeting.
Christina Ha, MD, of Cedars-Sinai, presented on biosimilars and at-home infusions at the Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2021 Meeting.
Christina Ha, MD, of...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
Gary Lichtenstein, MD
Conference Coverage
Dr Lichtenstein discusses his presentation from Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2021 on common deficiencies in micronutrients that may occur among patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and how best to treat them.
Dr Lichtenstein discusses his presentation from Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2021 on common deficiencies in micronutrients that may occur among patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and how best to treat them.
Dr Lichtenstein discusses his...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
Laura Raffals, MD, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota
Conference Coverage
At the Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2021 Meeting, Laura Raffals, MD, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, presented on musculoskeletal extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel diseases and the concerns related to...
At the Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2021 Meeting, Laura Raffals, MD, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, presented on musculoskeletal extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel diseases and the concerns related to...
At the Advances in Inflammatory...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network


