Simplifying the Reconstruction of Soft Tissue Defects Following Extirpative Procedures for Cutaneous Malignancies Using a Decellularized Fish Skin Graft
Author: Matthew Endara, MD
Poster Number: CS-039
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, with approximately 9500 people being diagnosed each day.1 Treatment may require reconstruction in addition to excision and closure of the affected tissue. Decellularized fish skin graft (FSG), which integrates rapidly with the wound to cover and regenerate exposed deep structures, provides a promising dermal matrix for the reconstruction of these post-oncologic soft tissue defects. A poster presented at SAWC explores this adjunctive therapy’s potential.
The poster describes 6 patients who underwent surgical excision of a cutaneous malignancy and reconstruction using decellularized FSG. For 4 of the patients, surgical excision was performed by a reconstructive surgeon who used FSG to bridge a split-thickness skin graft (STSG) followed by staged closures of the wound. Of these, 3 progressed to skin graft, and 1 healed by secondary intent. For the remaining 2 cases, excision was performed by a trained Mohs surgeon, and 1 day later the patients underwent flap closure in conjunction with FSG. In 1 of these patients, FSG was used to extend the reach of the flap, and in the other patient, FSG was used to reconstruct the flap donor site. The wounds of all 6 patients were successfully reconstructed with no further revisions needed.
The researchers note that wound closure and cosmesis are equally important objectives for the treatment of skin cancer lesions. FSG provides wound coverage while supporting these goals by providing rapid integration, reducing delays in closure, avoiding skin graft failure, and limiting donor site morbidities and the need for additional surgeries.
1. American Academy of Dermatology Association. Skin cancer. Updated April 22, 2022. Accessed October 5, 2022.
Poster reference:
Endara M. Simplifying the Reconstruction of Soft Tissue Defects Following Extirpative Procedures for Cutaneous Malignancies Using a Decellularized Fish Skin Graft. Poster CS-039, presented at SAWC Fall, Las Vegas, NV, October 2022.