Parents of teenagers with severe acne are worried about their child’s physical, emotional, and social wellness and how these factors impact families, according to a recent survey performed by Regina Corso...
Parents of teenagers with severe acne are worried about their child’s physical, emotional, and social wellness and how these factors impact families, according to a recent survey performed by Regina Corso...
Patients with mycosis fungoides are at an increased risk for melanoma compared with patients with psoriasis and the general population, according to a study out of Israel.
Patients with mycosis fungoides are at an increased risk for melanoma compared with patients with psoriasis and the general population, according to a study out of Israel.
While immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) were associated with exacerbation of psoriasis, these flares were considered manageable and should not prevent patients with psoriasis from receiving ICIs for their malignancy.
While immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) were associated with exacerbation of psoriasis, these flares were considered manageable and should not prevent patients with psoriasis from receiving ICIs for their malignancy.
Researchers aimed to evaluate cardiovascular risk in Slovak patients with psoriasis and investigate the relationship between cardiovascular risk and psoriasis features.
Researchers aimed to evaluate cardiovascular risk in Slovak patients with psoriasis and investigate the relationship between cardiovascular risk and psoriasis features.
Researchers aimed to evaluate serum levels of inflammatory cytokines, specifically tumor necrosis factor-alpha and IL-17, in patients with nail psoriasis.
Researchers aimed to evaluate serum levels of inflammatory cytokines, specifically tumor necrosis factor-alpha and IL-17, in patients with nail psoriasis.