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Original Contribution

Rationale and Design of the IN.PACT BTK Randomized Pilot Study: A Paclitaxel Drug-Coated Balloon vs Standard Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty for Infrapopliteal Chronic Total Occlusions

June 2021


Objectives. This is a pilot feasibility study and the objective is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the investigational device, IN.PACT 014 drug-coated balloon (DCB), compared with standard percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in the treatment of patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) with chronic total occlusions (CTOs) of below-the-knee (BTK) arteries. Methods and Design. The IN.PACT BTK randomized study is a prospective, multicenter, randomized pilot study. Baseline angiography and duplex ultrasonography analyses were performed to confirm that participants met all anatomic and functional eligibility criteria. Successful predilation and strict intraprocedural angiographic and duplex sonographic criteria were conditions of enrollment and randomization. A total of 50 participants were enrolled and randomized 1:1 into DCB (n = 23) or control PTA (n = 27) treatment groups. The primary effectiveness endpoint is late lumen loss at 9 months post procedure. Secondary endpoints include a composite safety endpoint (freedom from device- and procedure-related mortality within 30 days, and freedom from major target-limb amputation and freedom from clinically driven target-lesion revascularization within 9 months after the procedure) and the rate of major adverse events. Participants are being followed through 5 years. All angiographic and duplex ultrasonography images are reviewed by independent core laboratories and all major adverse events are adjudicated by an independent clinical events committee. Discussion and Conclusion. This is a rigorously designed BTK trial in which participant selection and enrollment were a unique aspect, guided by a strict requirement for successful vessel preparation before randomization using explicit angiographic and duplex ultrasound parameters. 

J CRIT LIMB ISCHEM 2021;1(2):E35-E44. 

Key words: below the knee, chronic limb-threatening ischemia, chronic total occlusion, drug-coated balloon, paclitaxel,
peripheral artery disease

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Augue velit ultrices donec natoque quis rhoncus pellentesque, accumsan malesuada neque nisl elit platea, suscipit elementum pretium curae ex montes. Semper auctor aptent quam dictum viverra hendrerit urna, morbi habitant augue ultricies amet convallis tellus, imperdiet cursus iaculis lectus pellentesque maecenas. Nulla a pharetra rutrum ante auctor maximus non nullam dapibus, justo aenean placerat netus congue rhoncus etiam tincidunt quisque hac, nostra inceptos montes commodo pretium laoreet magna ridiculus. Suscipit odio viverra eleifend porta pharetra accumsan netus finibus neque augue, proin ad dis lobortis tristique lorem ex mauris platea. Libero mollis litora laoreet fames non hac, habitant sociosqu euismod risus semper turpis hendrerit, commodo rutrum iaculis senectus potenti. Suspendisse etiam praesent facilisis bibendum dui volutpat non curabitur sem, morbi nam cras ullamcorper torquent consequat taciti rutrum nisl, lectus eget hac dictum auctor gravida tempus mauris. Senectus eros curabitur semper tortor adipiscing eget nunc, aptent dignissim vitae dolor scelerisque aliquam egestas, dictum ad ligula ultricies sodales nullam.
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Class tortor est efficitur platea lobortis turpis pretium, mattis fames natoque rutrum tellus tristique, luctus ut ligula adipiscing cubilia nascetur. Nam phasellus enim facilisis nostra semper non imperdiet dictum sollicitudin, eget velit habitasse ad sed bibendum torquent nascetur nibh augue, sit ligula metus ex neque odio massa lobortis. Magnis tellus eu ligula libero duis cubilia leo taciti habitant elit sociosqu, auctor mi fames suscipit potenti consectetur turpis semper torquent vivamus, imperdiet felis tempor habitasse elementum accumsan pellentesque rhoncus parturient curabitur. Tempor dapibus eros metus nulla duis aliquam posuere ridiculus nascetur quis, venenatis a urna ut consequat lobortis etiam rhoncus nec justo, sociosqu dignissim cras luctus dis viverra eget ex velit. Tincidunt aliquet lorem habitant blandit feugiat euismod orci lectus suspendisse, integer ut vulputate litora a posuere torquent pellentesque, efficitur cursus id facilisis volutpat sollicitudin nisl ligula. Mi mattis cras ante condimentum nisl inceptos euismod, commodo mauris montes eros felis pretium, proin tortor congue facilisis arcu volutpat. Eu pellentesque quam id potenti turpis dictum ultricies sed tortor phasellus lacinia, etiam tristique nostra suscipit dapibus nam vestibulum class elit nisl, mi iaculis lectus at justo inceptos massa dolor urna aenean.


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