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Instructions for Authors

The Journal of Critical Limb Ischemia provides an international forum for the presentation of original ideas and recent results related to all aspects of diagnostic, therapeutic and pathophysiologic aspects of critical limb ischemia. These articles will likely substantially influence the clinical practice of treating the co-morbidities present in patients presenting with advanced disease.

Editor-in-Chief: Jihad A. Mustapha, MD

Frequency: Quarterly

Content:  Journal of Critical Limb Ischemia, ISSN 2694-3026, the official journal of the CLI Global Society, focuses on interventional techniques pertaining to the complex disease known as critical limb ischemia, with priority placed on original research and on randomized trials and large registry studies. In addition, pharmacological, diagnostic, and pathophysiological aspects of this disease are given special attention in this online-only journal.

Article types: Journal of Critical Limb Ischemia will consider the following article types: Original Research, Brief Communications, Research Letters, Literature Reviews, and Clinical Images (<300 words). Case reports with Brief Reviews will be considered on a limited basis.

Editorial Policies. The statements and opinions expressed in the articles and communications herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the publisher or editors. All manuscripts submitted for publication must include the following statement signed by the senior author. “The undersigned author transfers all copyright ownership of the manuscript entitled (title of article) to HMP Global in the event the work is published. The author warrants that the article is original, is not under consideration by another journal, and has not been previously published. I sign for and accept responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co-authors.”

Include this statement in the cover letter. Include the cover letter when uploading submissions using Editorial Manager a web-based, peer review system.

Manuscript review.

JCLI uses a single-blind review procedure. All articles are reviewed by two or more referees. Acceptance is based upon significance and originality. Editorial revisions may be made to articles accepted for publication as an aid to clarity.

Ethics. The author is responsible for the contents submitted in the paper. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and not necessarily those of HMP Global, the editorial staff, or any member of the editorial advisory board. No claims made by authors or advertisers are guaranteed by the publisher or the editors. Authors must comply with FDA guidelines, human studies guidelines and animal welfare regulations of the authors’ institution. Authors should indicate in the paper that human subjects have given informed consent and that the authors have conformed to institutional guidelines and those of the American Physiological Society. 

Conflict of Interest/Disclosure
A statement acknowledging financial interest in products/companies relevant to submitted research must be disclosed to the editors when the paper is submitted. Any financial interest which may be interpreted as a conflict of interest, including stock ownership, consultancies, patent-licensing relationships, and other equity interests, must be disclosed in the cover letter. If no conflicts of interest exist, please state this. Journal of Critical Limb Ischemia follows the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE).

Manuscript format. All submissions to the journal are submitted online in a digital format through Editorial Manager, a web-based, peer review system. Standard format for the initial submission is a MS Word document with embedded figures or a PDF. Please include a title page listing authors and institutions, along with any potential conflicts of interest. Manuscript should include a structured abstract, full text of manuscript, references, tables, legends, and figures. Separate pages are not required for different sections of the manuscript. Manuscripts are organized as follows: title page, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, references, tables, figure legends, and figures. videos if applicable.

Provide adequate line spacing and page numbers. Abbreviations should be defined at first mention. Please include a word count and number all pages. Line numbers are helpful for reviewers.

Version 2 submissions. If your manuscript has passed the initial screening process, the revised version should include a manuscript in MS Word along with figures as separate files (jpegs, tiffs, or png). Tables can either be included in the main word document or as separate files.

Online publication. All accepted articles will be posted on our website. The online quarterly edition is our official issue and is posted to Our intention is to apply for inclusion in PubMed/Medline when the required number of issues have been published. Once accepted, articles will be included retroactively.

Editorial Manager.

To log onto our online manuscript submission website, you must first set up an author account. Please go to

Submission Instructions.

After logging into your account, please make every effort to complete all fields within the submission form, all mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*). After you have completed the submission form, you may browse/attach or drag text files and digital figures onto the submission page. These files will be converted to a PDF for use by reviewers. Figures must not include identifying patient information.

Corresponding Author/Additional authors

• The corresponding author will receive all manuscript related correspondence via Email. 

• NOTE: Authors are those who participated in manuscript preparation: conception, design, research and/or writing. Others who were consulted can be mentioned in the acknowledgments section.

• The senior author must be listed in the final publication as the corresponding author.

Title page.

• Include the manuscript’s title, short title (≤50 characters) is optional, but helpful.

• Include all author(s) names, academic degrees, and institutions.

Disclosure statement. The title page should contain one of the disclosure statements listed below. Specific details of any conflicts of interest or financial relationships will be required at a later date according to ICMJE standards and detailed within the final published document:

   (1) The authors report no financial relationships or conflicts of interest regarding the content herein.

   (2) One or more of the authors have disclosed potential conflicts of interest regarding the content herein.      

   (3) One or more of the authors has disclosed a potential conflict of interest that is not financial in nature.

• Abstracts can be included on the title page or the next page.


• Use generic drug names (even if trade names are mentioned).

• When products are mentioned, list the manufacturer.

• Obtain appropriate consent for quotations of more than 50 words. Consult the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th Edition for current usage.

Case reports. Journal of Critical Limb Ischemia will consider case reports on a limited basis. Those considered will be first-in-man experiences or those considered novel with high teaching value. A substantial discussion should be included.

Clinical Images. Journal of Critical Limb Ischemia will publish interesting images with text no more than 300 words (including title, authors, and legends). No abstract or references are needed. Accompanying video is encouraged, but optional. Please go to to upload your submission.

Abstract. An abstract is necessary for the review process. Depending on the type of article, it may or may not be published. For example, abstracts are not published for Review articles, Editorials, Clinical Images or Letters. For these types of articles, please provide a brief summary of less than 100 words for the review process. These summaries are Emailed to manuscript reviewers to help them determine if they have the expertise or interest in reviewing the article in question. For original articles and research studies, please provide a structured abstract (objectives, methods, results, discussion, conclusions) less than 250 words.

Key words. Please choose 2-3 words from within the submission template pulldown menu to be used in order to cross reference the subject of your manuscript with the expertise of the review board. Reviewers will be chosen based upon these selections.

References.  References should be listed at the end of the manuscript. Numbered references must be cited, in order in the text. Use AMA reference style. References not properly formatted will be returned to authors for revision.

A complete periodical reference includes 1) authors’ names (list all authors up to six, for 7 or more authors, list first 3 followed by et al.); 2) title of article (notice capitalization style); 3) abbreviated journal name; 4) year of publication; 5) volume number; 6) specific page numbers. For books include: 7) name of editor(s), if any; 8) place of publication, and (9) publishing company.



Periodical. (List all authors up to six, for seven or more authors, list first three followed by et al.);

8.  Eeckhout E, Berger A, Lyon X, et al. Elective ostial left main stenting: a tailored approach. J Invasive Cardiol. 2005;17:125-128.


5. Vidovich MI and Shroff A. Transradial Angiography and Intervention. From Simple to Spectacular. Malvern, Pennsylvania, HMP Global, 2016.

Chapter in Book. (Author is not editor of the book)

5. Banerjee S, Brilakis ES. Peripheral artery intervention with combined use of atherectomy and drug-coated balloon. In: Shammas NW (ed). Textbook of Atherectomy. Malvern: HMP Global, 2016: pp. 179–184.

Figure legends/copyright.

•A descriptive legend must accompany each figure.

•All abbreviations must be identified in the figure legend.

For example: DM = diabetes mellitus; CTO = chronic total occlusion; PTA = percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.

•If a figure has been published previously, permission to reprint the figure must be obtained in writing from the copyright owner and submitted upon acceptance. Please acknowledge the original source beneath the figure.


•Photographs may be color (RGB or CMYK) or black & white.

•For review segment, figures can be in TIFF, Powerpoint, EPS, png (JPEGs must be embedded into the Word document).

• Limit panels to no more than 6 per single figure, limit white space between frames. Avoid headings and text within figures.

•Lower resolution (72 dpi) figures are usually adequate for the review process. In general, these are also usually suitable for online exclusive publication (300 dpi is standard quality for print production). However, line art (graphs, charts, text) is usually best when 800-1000 dpi. For final online publication it is usually best to use best quality available since many readers will want to print your final article PDF.


.mP4 files are the preferred format, but .avi are also acceptable.