About Cancer Care Business Exchange
About Cancer Care Business Exchange
The Cancer Care Business Exchange (CBEx) is a high-level, multistakeholder forum focusing on the business implications of the changing complexities in cancer care delivery and payment. It includes conversations between thought leaders who have interest, influence, and impact on cancer care delivery, including policymakers, payers, cancer center executives, clinicians, technology providers, and employers.
This educational and research forum focuses on trends and breaking developments in the business of cancer care. CBEx aims to tackle the changing ecosystem of cancer care and apply fresh perspective, innovation, and opportunities to improve care costs, risk, delivery, patient experience, and outcomes. This give-and-take dialogue and discussion is highlighted year-round through the Cancer Care Business Breakthroughs video series and culminates in a focus on these leading-edge topics at the annual Clinical Pathways Congress, where the content covered by CBEx is featured in live presentations by high-profile industry experts.
About the Clinical Pathways Congress + CBEx
The 2023 Clinical Pathways Congress debuted a new partnership with CBEx. In 2024, this continuing collaboration expands the conversation to the stakeholders who have interest, influence, and impact on the evolving business models of cancer care, and how innovation will continue to improve them.