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From the Experts

Your Path to Success: Expert Advice
Cost containment is a constant battle in healthcare and especially in high cost procedural areas.
Cost containment is a constant battle in healthcare and especially in high cost procedural areas.
Cost containment is a constant...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Management
The Rush University Medical Center Experience: A 360° View of the Vascade Performance Guarantee
The Rush University Medical Center Experience: A 360° View of the Vascade Performance Guarantee
The Rush University Medical...
Cath Lab Digest
This past November, 60 cardiovascular leaders convened from cath labs across the Pacific Northwest for the 29th annual Northwest Cath Lab Management Association (NWCMA) Conference in Portland, Oregon.
This past November, 60 cardiovascular leaders convened from cath labs across the Pacific Northwest for the 29th annual Northwest Cath Lab Management Association (NWCMA) Conference in Portland, Oregon.
This past November, 60...
Cath Lab Digest
Your Path to Success: Expert Advice
Gaining momentum as a differentiator, formal accreditation of either the service line or specific procedural components within cardiovascular, such as cardiac intervention, electrophysiology, peripheral vascular procedures, etc., can position...
Gaining momentum as a differentiator, formal accreditation of either the service line or specific procedural components within cardiovascular, such as cardiac intervention, electrophysiology, peripheral vascular procedures, etc., can position...
Gaining momentum as a...
Cath Lab Digest
The aim of the Code PE protocol was to: (1) rapidly identify patients with massive and submassive PE; and (2) triage appropriate patients directly to the CCL for endovascular treatment.
The aim of the Code PE protocol was to: (1) rapidly identify patients with massive and submassive PE; and (2) triage appropriate patients directly to the CCL for endovascular treatment.
The aim of the Code PE protocol...
Cath Lab Digest
Your Path to Success: Expert Advice
This is a strong point of the study — that it shows the potential safety in discharging elective PCI patients at least 45-50% of the time, because some hospitals are doing it safely, while other hospitals are lagging behind.
This is a strong point of the study — that it shows the potential safety in discharging elective PCI patients at least 45-50% of the time, because some hospitals are doing it safely, while other hospitals are lagging behind.
This is a strong point of the...
Cath Lab Digest
Your Path to Success: Expert Advice
Given the rapidly evolving healthcare reimbursement landscape, the question is no longer “if” accreditation of clinical programs will be required, but rather, “when.” The sooner this effort is launched, the sooner improvements will be...
Given the rapidly evolving healthcare reimbursement landscape, the question is no longer “if” accreditation of clinical programs will be required, but rather, “when.” The sooner this effort is launched, the sooner improvements will be...
Given the rapidly evolving...
Cath Lab Digest
As radial artery access becomes more common in coronary angiography, US guidance has benefits that may result in higher cannulation success rates, fewer total attempts, and decreased procedural time.
As radial artery access becomes more common in coronary angiography, US guidance has benefits that may result in higher cannulation success rates, fewer total attempts, and decreased procedural time.
As radial artery access becomes...
Cath Lab Digest
CLI Perspectives
It was exciting to see complex CLI cases performed by some of the best CLI operators in the world, who were able to show us extreme, unique approaches to treat complex disease from the groin to the toes. 
It was exciting to see complex CLI cases performed by some of the best CLI operators in the world, who were able to show us extreme, unique approaches to treat complex disease from the groin to the toes. 
It was exciting to see complex...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Management
Most staff know what to do. Our job, as management, is to lead, delegate and provide the tools to get the job done. 
Most staff know what to do. Our job, as management, is to lead, delegate and provide the tools to get the job done. 
Most staff know what to do. Our...
Cath Lab Digest