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Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals (SICP) March 2014 News

SICP Incoming President Message

Two years ago I accepted the position as incoming president for the SICP. Since that time, I have had the pleasure and honor to work with the executive committee in setting and working towards goals that would allow us to advocate and meet our members’ professional needs. Over the past two years, the executive committee has worked hard to accomplish several of our goals:

  • Develop an educator subcommittee which allows the invasive educational program directors and instructors a method to communicate and collaborate in an effective manner.
  • Reestablish the chapter liaison role in order to increase and improve communication and relations with our regional chapters.
  • Reestablish the advocacy subcommittee with regularly scheduled conference calls to better plan, support, and respond to our members’ professional needs.
  • Develop and finalize new minimum curriculum standards for invasive educational programs.
  • Increase review course offerings to assist with the sunsetting of the OJT qualification allowance for the CCI RCIS exam.
  • Increase communication and speed of response to our members’ inquiries for information, assistance, and updates.
  • Improve relations with physician societies. 

 As I begin the transition from the role of incoming president to that of president, culminating in August, I have started to evaluate what the society should focus on during the next two years. In preparation for this transition, I have had a wonderful opportunity to travel the country speaking with many of our members regarding the profession and the specific needs of the invasive professional. It was inspiring to meet with so many of you, and I am humbled at the responsibility that I am about to take in representing so many amazing people. Based upon these frank discussions, I am suggesting to the board that we focus on the following subjects as our major goals:

  • Continue to improve communication with our members. As the first step towards this goal, the executive committee has created a survey focused on the needs and wishes of our members that will go live in the very near future. Also, I am requesting that regular communication be made available following executive meetings, updating our members on the activities of the national society.
  • Continue to increase attention and focus on advocacy needs of our members. Our national advocacy committee, currently chaired by Stephanie Rank, is working on an advocacy kit to assist members with legislative needs. We are also working on a grassroots platform to help our members advocate for the profession on a local level, as well as a potential outreach program to reach the physicians we work with on a daily basis.
  • Increase recognition and advancement of the RCES credential. The SICP is the professional society for all invasive cardiovascular professionals. This also includes ensuring that the society is advocating for our RCES members in regards to their professional needs.
  • Reform the SICP Standards Committee to evaluate and suggest changes to the RCIS scope of practice, develop an RCES scope of practice, and address changes in the professional practice.
  • Develop minimum educational standards for RCES educational programs.
  • Increase development of new local society chapters to better respond to members’ needs at a local level as we increase communication and support of current chapters.
  • Develop cost-effective methods for our members to receive required CEUs to maintain professional certifications.

These are the primary goals that I am setting before the executive committee as we begin the transition. As passionate as I am regarding each of these goals, it is simply not realistic to expect the executive committee to achieve these goals without the assistance of our members. Simply put, we need your help. A society’s success is completely dependent on the number and active participation of its members. Without your help, your voice, and your support, very few of these goals can be successfully met. I am personally asking each person reading this update to consider becoming an active member and volunteering to help us. It is as simple as contacting the SICP and inquiring what role you can play in your profession.

Until next month,

Patrick Hoier, BS, RCIS, FSICP

SICP Incoming President

SICP Advocates 2014

Together we can do so much more…

As we all know, there are many changes occurring in healthcare today and we, as professionals in the invasive cardiovascular profession, are not exempt from changes that will affect our ability to serve our patients the best we can. The recognition of our field of practice and the credential which represents our field, the Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (RCIS), has never been more important. Many states formally recognize the RCIS on a limited licensure status, and SICP is working diligently to increase the number of states that recognize our professional credential as well as assist in educating policymakers regarding the benefit of appropriate minimum standards in education and credentialing on a national level.

Only together can we make a difference. SICP needs both additional volunteer leaders to assist and lead with advocacy efforts as well as financial contributions. All contributions will be utilized to strengthen our advocacy efforts for the RCIS credential to key policymakers and regulatory agencies. Every dollar will help, and no contribution is too small. While SICP membership dues are primarily used for general operating expense and play a vital role in promoting the professional society, advocacy dollars will be designated for use on expenses specifically related to advocacy efforts.

Such advocacy efforts include:

  • Political updates.
  • Current RCIS recognition.
  • eAdvocacy Tool Kit - Information to help you advocate for healthcare issues that affect the RCIS profession.

What is asked of SICP Advocates?

  • Contact your representative and senators when a call-to-action is requested by the SICP.
  • Meet with your senators and representative or their staff locally if necessary.
  • Cultivate a working relationship with your congressional members and be a resource to your legislators as well as to the SICP Advocacy Committee.
  • Inform the SICP Advocacy Committee of your efforts so that we may share with other SICP members!

Please note that SICP is a 501(c)6 not-for-profit organization and contributions to the Advocacy Campaign are not deductible on an individual’s or company’s annual taxes. 

Go to to contribute!


