Jessica E. Fackler*, CVT-RCIS, Co-Developer and Chair of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (CVIR), Clinical Tech Career Advancement Program Team, Tower Health System, Reading Hospital, Reading, Pennsylvania
Jessica E. Fackler*, CVT-RCIS, Co-Dev...
Tower Health’s Reading Hospital, a designated Magnet hospital, currently provides a nursing career advancement program and recently has begun to adopt this best practice for its allied health professionals.
Tower Health’s Reading Hospital, a designated Magnet hospital, currently provides a nursing career advancement program and recently has begun to adopt this best practice for its allied health professionals.
Jay Bitar, MD, FACC, Cardiology Care Center, Lake Mary, Florida
Jay Bitar, MD, FACC, Cardiology Care ...
A career in the field of interventional cardiology is a road riddled with land mines. A life of caring for the sickest of the sick through providing urgent and immediate lifesaving intervention. Skills that come at a high price and could, at...
A career in the field of interventional cardiology is a road riddled with land mines. A life of caring for the sickest of the sick through providing urgent and immediate lifesaving intervention. Skills that come at a high price and could, at...
Letitia P. Esbenshade-Smith, MS Ed., RCES, RCIS, Coordinator; Cardiac Electrophysiology Program, Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Letitia P. Esbenshade-Smith, MS Ed., ...
Pennsylvania College’s Professional Certificate Program in Cardiac Electrophysiology is the first online program to be granted initial accreditation.
On March 15, 2019, the Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences was awarded initial...
Pennsylvania College’s Professional Certificate Program in Cardiac Electrophysiology is the first online program to be granted initial accreditation.
On March 15, 2019, the Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences was awarded initial...
For those of us at Corazon who worked directly with Dr. Wharton, his loss is more than that of a friend and colleague, but of someone who was willing to challenge the establishment and status quo in true, unwavering patient advocacy.
For those of us at Corazon who worked directly with Dr. Wharton, his loss is more than that of a friend and colleague, but of someone who was willing to challenge the establishment and status quo in true, unwavering patient advocacy.
We congratulate Jonathan Turnbull, RCIS, RCSA for becoming a Registered Cardiovascular Specialist Assistant through the Registry of Cardiovascular Specialists and Assistants.
We congratulate Jonathan Turnbull, RCIS, RCSA for becoming a Registered Cardiovascular Specialist Assistant through the Registry of Cardiovascular Specialists and Assistants.
Michael Seymour, MS, MPH, CIH, Organization for Occupational Radiation Safety in Interventional Fluoroscopy (ORSIF), Washington, D.C.
Michael Seymour, MS, MPH, CIH, Organi...
Over the past several years, a spate of scientific evidence has demonstrated the health risks that interventional teams incur while performing life-saving minimally invasive procedures. The health effects range from skin erythema to premature...
Over the past several years, a spate of scientific evidence has demonstrated the health risks that interventional teams incur while performing life-saving minimally invasive procedures. The health effects range from skin erythema to premature...