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Irwin Siegel names scholarship winners

Rock Hill, N.Y. — In celebration of National Mental Health Month, Irwin Siegel Agency, Inc. (ISA) is pleased to announce the winners of the first annual Psychiatric Rehabilitation Scholarship Award. This scholarship award is an excellent opportunity to recognize future leaders in the field of psychiatric rehabilitation.

The three winners and the agencies that recommended them are:

  • Jacques Mckissick (Southwest Network Osborn Clinic)
  • Deborah Vonheeder (ABC Behavioral Health)
  • Anthony Oakes (Community Hope)

All Award winners will receive:

  • CPRP Preparation course
  • Practice Exam
  • CPRP Exam Application
  • Acknowledgement and profile in PSR Connections
  • Acknowledgement on Irwin Siegel Agency, Inc.’s website

ISA would like to thank all agencies that participated in this award program. We look forward to another exciting opportunity to recognize professionals in the psychiatric rehabilitation field for the tremendous job they do.

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