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EARF to issue second call for grant proposals in September

Arlington, Va. — The Employee Assistance Research Foundation has announced preliminary plans for its 2011 call for grant proposals, the organization’s second grant cycle. This year’s proposals will focus on EAP effectiveness and outcomes. Submitters will have approximately two months after the call for proposals to submit their brief proposals.

There are two stages in the proposal process: the submission of a brief proposal and for those approved for the second stage, a full proposal that may lead to an offer of a grant award. Grants will be reviewed by a committee consisting of Foundation board members, which includes distinguished researchers, and clinicians.

In 2010 the Foundation issued its first call for proposals, focusing on the state of the EAP field. In March of this year the Foundation announced that two organizations would each receive grants of $40,000 to support their studies. They will have 12 months in which to complete their research.

The Foundation will accept applications from organizations such as tax-exempt educational institutions, agencies, or for-profit business entities (such as an LLC) that have access to an Institutional Review Board. The process is also open to applicant organizations from countries outside the United States or Canada engaged in EAP research.
The Employee Assistance Research Foundation was formed to stimulate innovative, rigorous, and theory-based research activities.
That research will promote excellence in the delivery of employee assistance services throughout the world, assist in attraction and recruitment of outstanding scholars to conduct research, bridge the gaps between knowledge and practice by translating valid research findings into policy and practice, and promote and support effective measurement practices, performance tools, and outcome criteria.


