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Poster PI-052

Draining Cellulitis: A Surgical Approach Cellulitis

James V. Stillerman (he/him/his)MD, CWSPSamaritan Medical

Introduction: In the case of cellulitis that is recurrent or recalcitrant despite appropriate antibiotic therapy we propose a surgical technique easily performed as an outpatient.Methods:Elliptical incisions are made through the skin over the area of cellulitis, removing the ellipse.  Using a hemostat a tunnel is created connecting the two incisions. A ¼ inch Penrose drain is then inserted into one incision and brought out the other. Drainage is established, and the Penrose prevents the incisions from closing.  The drain is secured by suturing the ends together. This is removed a few days later, and incisions are allowed to close by secondary intention and are covered with a foam dressing.  Results:When performed, this technique has produced sustained resolution of signs and symptoms of cellulitis.Discussion: This is a new approach to a difficult cellulitis when antibiotics fail.References: