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Poster CS-064

Assessing the Role of Acellular Fragmented Fish Skin Graft as an Interpositional Graft in First Metatarsal Joint Arthoplasty for Diabetic Foot Ulcer Management

Jonathan HookMHA, DPM, FACFASWeil Foot & Ankle

Introduction: Diabetic foot ulcers to the plantar forefoot can be challenging to heal and often require surgical intervention. This case study aims to evaluate the use of acellular fragmented fish skin graft as an interpositional graft in first metatarsal joint arthroplastyMethods: We present the case of a 55-year-old male with non-healing diabetic foot wound to the plantar hallux. Patient underwent 1st metatarsal joint arthroplasty with interpositional acellular fragmented skin graft.   Results: Patient demonstrated progressive healing of plantar hallux wound following surgery with no re-occurrence of wound.   Discussion: This case demonstrates the benefit of utilizing acellular fragmented fish skin grafts as an interpositional graft in the management of diabetic foot plantar hallux wounds.  References: