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Poster CS-011

The use of Topical Timolol Maleate and a bioabsorbable, borate-based glass fiber dressing in a chronic sacral pressure ulcer unresponsive to other modalities.

Stacy Amer-Davis (she/her/hers)MSN/FNPScripps Coastal Medical

Introduction: Sacral decubitus ulcers can be extremely hard to treat. The use of therapies that target steps involved in wound recalcitrance is vital in gaining traction in the healing process.Methods:Timolol Maleate 0.5% was utilized on a weekly basis and initially used with an advanced wound dressing.  A bioabsorbable, borate-based glass fiber* was then added to the weekly Timolol application to stimulate the healing process and progress the wound towards closure.Results:Timolol in combination with a bioabsorbable borate based glass fiber accelerates the recalcitrant woundDiscussion: Repurposing a topical medication along with an advanced wound matrix can have a positive outcome for patients.References: