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Poster CS-010

The use of a Bioabsorbable borate- based glass fiber in a stalled post surgical wound.

Stacy Amer-Davis (she/her/hers)MSN/FNPScripps Coastal Medical

Introduction: A 59 year old male was involved in a sky diving accident which resulted in an ankle fracture requiring an ORIF.  Surgical dehiscence occurred by week one post operative and resulted in a non-healing chronic wound.  After months of surgical management of the wound he was referred to a wound care center.  Bioabsorbable borate-based glass fiber* was quickly introduced into his treatment plan due to hardware being directly beneath the chronic wound site.Methods:Bioabsorbable borate-based glass fiber was applied weekly along with a 2 layer compression wrap to reduce edema in the wound site.Results:Bioabsorbable borate-based glass fiber help reduce the wound size rapidly by creating an optimal wound bed.  Deep tissue and hardware infection risk was reduced with the contraction of the wound.Discussion: Advanced wound matrix should be considered in post surgical wounds where hardware is directly underneath the wound bed.References: