P065 A One-Time Education for Gastroenterologists Regarding Osteoporosis Screening for IBD Patients Improves Provider Knowledge But Not Screening Rates
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic gastrointestinal inflammatory condition and has been increasing in prevalence in the United States, with a 30-40% increase over the past few decades. Osteoporosis can be seen in up to 40% of IBD patients. Screening for osteoporosis in IBD patients involves the use of DEXA scans and is recommended by the IBD Cornerstone Committee for select patients, including steroid use > 3 months consecutively or a total of 1 year in the past 2 years, family history of osteoporosis, malnutrition, amenorrheic or post-menopausal. Our quality improvement study looked to improve osteoporosis screening among gastroenterologists.
We conducted a retrospective chart review on all IBD patients within the St. Luke’s Network and extrapolated data on age (>50 in male and >65 in female), sex, chronic glucocorticoid use (3 month consecutively or cumulative), osteoporosis/osteopenia diagnosis, vitamin D (vit-D) levels, and DEXA scan between 2019 to 2021. We gave a 5-minute presentation on current DEXA screen recommendations for patients with IBD on 5/27/2021 to all the network’s gastroenterologists, which totaled 12. We performed a pre and post education survey consisting of 5 questions on provider knowledge and comfortability with osteoporosis screening. We assessed provider knowledge, as well as rates of osteoporosis screening. All statistical analyses were conducted in IBM SPSS for Windows Version 26. Chi Square tests were used to compare two groups in categorical variables while Mann-Whitney tests were done to compare continuous variables like age and vit-D levels.
There were a total of 5442 patients; 3927 patients before the educational intervention on 5/27/2021 and 1515 patients after the intervention. Both pre and post intervention groups were balanced in terms of age, gender, smoking status, and alcohol risk. Percent of DEXA scans were similar between both groups (13.0% vs 12.3%, p=0.5). DEXA screening rates among patients with chronic steroid use pre-intervention vs post-intervention was 44.45 vs 42.4% respectively. Vit-D levels compared between both groups was not statistically significant (30.5 vs 31.8, p=0.1). Surveys conducted before and after the intervention showed an overall increase in percentage of agreement responses about knowledge and confidence in DEXA screening (88.5% vs 97.5%).
DEXA scanning can help detect premature decrease in bone mineral density and provide physicians with the opportunity to prevent further morbidity. Our study showed no difference in DEXA screening rates before and after intervention. However, there was an increase in provider knowledge based on post-intervention surveys. A similar study showed that it took three interventions, including educational presentation, flyers, and on screen EMR reminders for there to be a sustainable improvement in the rate of DEXA screening. Our project may have required additional interventions to produce an effect and thus reinforces the need for further efforts to improve osteoporosis screening in IBD patients.
Wolters Kluwer -
Philadelphia, PA
Source Journal
The American Journal of Gastroenterology
© 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology