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Abstracts CIO 2021-23

CIO 2021-23 Propensity–Score-Matched Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of TACE With Nivolumab Vs Nivolumab Monotherapy

B. Marinelli, M. Cedillo, N. Debnath, V. Bishay, A. Fischman, C. Ang, D. Pinato, M. Sung, M. Schwartz, T. Marron, E. Kim

Purpose: To assess the efficacy and safety of immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) combined with transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) versus ICI alone for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

Material and Methods: In a retrospective chart review, thirty-one patients underwent sixty-six TACE treatments sixty days before, or concurrently, while receiving nivolumab at a single tertiary care hospital. Propensity score matching (PSM) with 106 patients receiving nivolumab alone from a multinational, multi-institutional registry for Child-Pugh Score (CPS), portal vein thrombosis (PVT), extrahepatic metastases (EHM) and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) at ICI initiation were used as controls to assess a primary end-point of overall survival (OS). Secondary end-points were safety and progression-free survival (PFS), as well as local objective response after each TACE according to modified RECIST (mRECIST) in the multimodal arm.

Results: Over a median (interquartile range) follow-up of 9.1 (4.0-16.4) months multimodal immunotherapy with TACE did not demonstrate significantly longer OS compared to ICI monotherapy with a median 24.6 (16.4-47.8) vs 35.1 (16.1-NE) months (Log-rank 0.57; p=0.18). However, there was a significantly longer median PFS of 8.8 (6.2-23.2) versus 4.0 (2.7-5.4) months (Log-rank 0.20; p=0.03). In the multimodal treatment group there were 4 (13%) grade 3 or higher adverse events (AEs) attributed to immunotherapy compared to six (5.7%) in the ICI monotherapy arm. There were no AEs grade 3 or higher attributed to TACE in the multimodal treatment arm. At three months following each TACE in the multimodal arm there was an overall objective response rate of 84%. There were no significant changes in liver function labs one-month following each TACE. Four patients receiving multimodal treatment were successfully bridged to transplant.

Conclusions: Multimodal immunotherapy combined with TACE may enhance PFS in patients with HCC.

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