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Background: The traditional Total Contact Cast (tTCC) has been used as the gold standard for treating diabetic foot ulcers (DFU). The application of tTCC is time consuming and requir...
Clinical Cases
This video reports 6 patients with diabetic foot ulcers of at least 1 month’s duration and failed standard offloading treated with a weekly application of the thermoplastic wooden material, which was exhibited as a poster.
This video reports 6 patients with diabetic foot ulcers of at least 1 month’s duration and failed standard offloading treated with a weekly application of the thermoplastic wooden material, which was exhibited as a poster.
This video reports 6 patients...
Rapid Communication
Oscar M. Alvarez
Lee Markowitz
Neh Onumah
Martin Wendelken
The aim of this study is to evaluate how treatment with total contact cast (TCC) affects the balance of proteases in diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) as they heal.
The aim of this study is to evaluate how treatment with total contact cast (TCC) affects the balance of proteases in diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) as they heal.
The aim of this study is to...
How-To Demonstration
In this video, Dr. James McGuire demonstrates how to remove a total contact cast as well as shares some tips and tricks along the way.   To learn how to apply a total contact cast, click here!
In this video, Dr. James McGuire demonstrates how to remove a total contact cast as well as shares some tips and tricks along the way.   To learn how to apply a total contact cast, click here!
In this video, Dr. James McGuire...
How-To Demonstration
In this video, Dr. James McGuire demonstrates how to apply a total contact cast.   To learn how to remove a total contact cast, click here!
In this video, Dr. James McGuire demonstrates how to apply a total contact cast.   To learn how to remove a total contact cast, click here!
In this video, Dr. James McGuire...