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David R Doody, MS

Trend in TKI Use, Adherence, and Switching Patterns in Patients With CML: Before and After the Availability of Generic Imatinib
Research Reports
Henry J Henk, PhD
Lena E Winestone, MD, MSHP
Jennifer J Wilkes, MD, MSCE
Pamela Morin, MBA
Shasank Chennupati, PharmD, MPH
David R Doody, MS
Eric J Chow, MD, MPH
Gary H Lyman, MD, MPH&quot
Abstract: The therapeutic landscape for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has evolved substantially over the past decade, most notably with the introduction of second- and third-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors...
Abstract: The therapeutic landscape for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has evolved substantially over the past decade, most notably with the introduction of second- and third-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors...
Journal of Clinical Pathways