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Sickle Cell Trait

Pertinent Keys To Perioperative Management Of Patients With The Sickle Cell Trait
Online Exclusive
By Rishi Mahajan, DPM, Sheldon Goldstein, DPM and Zeeshan S. Husain, DPM, FACFAS, FASPS
By Rishi Mahajan, DPM, Sheldon Goldst...
Although patients with sickle cell trait pose a low risk of experiencing a related pain crisis, these authors discuss careful perioperative measures that can reduce postoperative risks.  
Although patients with sickle cell trait pose a low risk of experiencing a related pain crisis, these authors discuss careful perioperative measures that can reduce postoperative risks.  
Although patients with sickle...
Podiatry Today
Interesting Cases
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
David Buziashvili, MBS, Richard S. Zeri, MD, FACS, and Tom Reisler, MB ChB, BSc(Hons), MRCS(Ed)
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCDa...
Optimizing Outcomes in Pedicle and Free Flap Reconstruction in Patients With Sickle Cell Trait David Buziashvili, MBS,a Richard S. Zeri, MD, FACS,b and Tom Reisler, MB ChB, BSc(Hons), MRCS(Ed)b aNew Jersey Medical School,...
Optimizing Outcomes in Pedicle and Free Flap Reconstruction in Patients With Sickle Cell Trait David Buziashvili, MBS,a Richard S. Zeri, MD, FACS,b and Tom Reisler, MB ChB, BSc(Hons), MRCS(Ed)b aNew Jersey Medical School,...
Optimizing Outcomes in...