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Steve R. Feldman, MD, PhD

Chief Medical Editor Message
Humans are never satisfied. 
Humans are never satisfied. 
Humans are never satisfied. 
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
So often, rare negative events capture our attention, while we are completely oblivious to all the normal, commonplace events that aren’t immediately apparent.
So often, rare negative events capture our attention, while we are completely oblivious to all the normal, commonplace events that aren’t immediately apparent.
So often, rare negative events...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
News reports describing the origins and passage of the Act cited examples of various businesses trying to stifle customers from making negative reviews.
News reports describing the origins and passage of the Act cited examples of various businesses trying to stifle customers from making negative reviews.
News reports describing the...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
The issue of perception trumping reality is all around us.
The issue of perception trumping reality is all around us.
The issue of perception trumping...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
Health insurance has been fabulous for us and our patients.
Health insurance has been fabulous for us and our patients.
Health insurance has been...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
To know the perspective of other people is critically important in interpersonal relationships.
To know the perspective of other people is critically important in interpersonal relationships.
To know the perspective of other...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
We have an enormous responsibility when we treat patients, for all the treatments we give carry risks. We must give patients adequate, accurate information so that they can make good judgments about their health care. Presenting risk...
We have an enormous responsibility when we treat patients, for all the treatments we give carry risks. We must give patients adequate, accurate information so that they can make good judgments about their health care. Presenting risk...
We have an enormous...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
The response to my lecture was a wonderfully intense exercise in how to manage criticism, sarcastic comments, emotional outbursts, and displays of unbridled anger and contempt in a public forum.
The response to my lecture was a wonderfully intense exercise in how to manage criticism, sarcastic comments, emotional outbursts, and displays of unbridled anger and contempt in a public forum.
The response to my lecture was a...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
The 10th Annual Medical-Scientific Conference on Morgellons Disease, organized by the Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation, was held in Austin, TX, in April 2017.
The 10th Annual Medical-Scientific Conference on Morgellons Disease, organized by the Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation, was held in Austin, TX, in April 2017.
The 10th Annual...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
Humans are swayed more by a single anecdote than by a pile of data.
Humans are swayed more by a single anecdote than by a pile of data.
Humans are swayed more by a...
The Dermatologist