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Steven R. Feldman, MD, PhD

Chief Medical Editor Message
I have recently been watching videos on various dermatology topics. One by the brilliant dermatologist Dr Peter Lio looked particularly appealing. In this video, Dr Lio described integrative treatments, and my initial bias was that I have no...
I have recently been watching videos on various dermatology topics. One by the brilliant dermatologist Dr Peter Lio looked particularly appealing. In this video, Dr Lio described integrative treatments, and my initial bias was that I have no...
I have recently been watching...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
When making decisions, the cost of something includes what we give up by not choosing an alternative.
When making decisions, the cost of something includes what we give up by not choosing an alternative.
When making decisions, the cost...
The Dermatologist
Dr Steve Feldman
Isotretinoin access may currently be complicated by iPLEDGE issues, but dermatologists have another tool in their arsenal to help patients with severe acne.
Isotretinoin access may currently be complicated by iPLEDGE issues, but dermatologists have another tool in their arsenal to help patients with severe acne.
Isotretinoin access may...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
While it might seem like a far-off problem, climate change will require a more meaningful difference in our habits and behaviors than simply buying “green” products.
While it might seem like a far-off problem, climate change will require a more meaningful difference in our habits and behaviors than simply buying “green” products.
While it might seem like a...
The Dermatologist
The Case Against Education
Chief Medical Editor Message
I’ve been reading a fascinating book, The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money, by Bryan Caplan. It starts off with a bang, stating that we spend far too much money on...
I’ve been reading a fascinating book, The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money, by Bryan Caplan. It starts off with a bang, stating that we spend far too much money on...
The Dermatologist
Free to Everyone
Chief Medical Editor Message
An email from an organization promoting progressive foreign policy extolled the development of effective COVID-19 vaccines and went on to demand these treatments be free and accessible to everyone, both in the...
An email from an organization promoting progressive foreign policy extolled the development of effective COVID-19 vaccines and went on to demand these treatments be free and accessible to everyone, both in the...
The Dermatologist
Social Pressure
Chief Medical Editor Message
On a daily basis, we are faced with the problem of diagnosing patients’ skin conditions and prescribing appropriate treatments. On top of that, we also face the problem of how to get patients to use the treatment...
On a daily basis, we are faced with the problem of diagnosing patients’ skin conditions and prescribing appropriate treatments. On top of that, we also face the problem of how to get patients to use the treatment...
On a...
The Dermatologist
Logic or Emotion
Chief Medical Editor Message
“Do you decide logically or emotionally?” was the headline of a message, from a medical business academy, that caught my eye. We might think we’re logical beings, but we, and our patients, make many decisions based...
“Do you decide logically or emotionally?” was the headline of a message, from a medical business academy, that caught my eye. We might think we’re logical beings, but we, and our patients, make many decisions based...
The Dermatologist
Telemedicine and COVID
Chief Medical Editor Message
COVID-19 is shaking things up, and the sudden surge in telemedicine is one piece of the fallout. Even in The Dermatologist, we have explored telemedicine from multiple angles more now than ever before 2020. Sure,...
COVID-19 is shaking things up, and the sudden surge in telemedicine is one piece of the fallout. Even in The Dermatologist, we have explored telemedicine from multiple angles more now than ever before 2020. Sure,...
The Dermatologist
Just the Half of It
Chief Medical Editor Message
I like to say that medical care is more than just making the right diagnosis and prescribing the right treatment. To get patients well, you also have to get patients to take the medication. Yet those three pillars of medicine—the right...
I like to say that medical care is more than just making the right diagnosis and prescribing the right treatment. To get patients well, you also have to get patients to take the medication. Yet those three pillars of medicine—the right...
I like to say that medical care...
The Dermatologist