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Oscar Alvarez
Martin Wendelken
Mark Granick
This was a prospective, randomized, controlled, clinical study involving 76 subjects with venous ulcers over a 24-week period in an outpatient hospital-based wound care center.
This was a prospective, randomized, controlled, clinical study involving 76 subjects with venous ulcers over a 24-week period in an outpatient hospital-based wound care center.
This was a prospective,...
Background: In today's rapidly changing healthcare arena, ensuring evidence based, efficacious practice can be challenging. Miniscule print on lengthy package inserts compounds this ...
Daniel Kapp, MD
In this exclusive three-part video series, Today’s Wound Clinic (TWC) speaks with Daniel Kapp, MD, chief of plastic surgery at Palm Beach Gardens (FL) Medical Center and medical director of the Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Center at Jupiter...
In this exclusive three-part video series, Today’s Wound Clinic (TWC) speaks with Daniel Kapp, MD, chief of plastic surgery at Palm Beach Gardens (FL) Medical Center and medical director of the Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Center at Jupiter...
In this exclusive three-part...
Today's Wound Clinic
Case Series
Jennifer Bayron
Kathy E. Gallagher
Luis Cardenas
This case series describes the successful outcomes of 12 patients with dissimilar wounds who were managed with medical-grade honey (active Leptospermum honey) as an alternative to surgery.
This case series describes the successful outcomes of 12 patients with dissimilar wounds who were managed with medical-grade honey (active Leptospermum honey) as an alternative to surgery.
This case series describes the...
Original Research
Guangyu Wang
Yu Wang
Fusheng Wang
Yi Ding
Yudong Kang
Yu Dong
Peiwen Lv
Xuying Xu
Herein, the authors demonstrate and discuss the implementation of their use of topical traditional Chinese medicines in several sample cases of lower limb nonhealing ulcers in patients with diabetes.
Herein, the authors demonstrate and discuss the implementation of their use of topical traditional Chinese medicines in several sample cases of lower limb nonhealing ulcers in patients with diabetes.
Herein, the authors demonstrate...
Original Research
Alexandra Tilt
Reuben A. Falola
Anagha Kumar
Tessa J. Campbell
Jacob M. Marks
Christopher E. Attinger
Karen K. Evans
The purpose of this study is to determine whether operative debridement and primary closure of abdominopelvic wounds are safe and expeditious for patients.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether operative debridement and primary closure of abdominopelvic wounds are safe and expeditious for patients.
The purpose of this study is to...
Clinical Research Poster
BACKGROUND: Since the presence of necrosis increases the chances of infection and delays healing, most deeper burns are treated with excision, followed by, depending on the depth, autografting or use of a dressing. Debridement is painful and...
BACKGROUND: Since the presence of necrosis increases the chances of infection and delays healing, most deeper burns are treated with excision, followed by, depending on the depth, autografting or use of a dressing. Debridement is painful and...
BACKGROUND: Since the presence...
Educational Report
BACKGROUND: Wound bed preparation by removal of various barriers to wound healing, such as nonviable tissue and associated microbiome, is a fundamental principle of wound bed preparation. Timely removal of debris is essential for the...
BACKGROUND: Wound bed preparation by removal of various barriers to wound healing, such as nonviable tissue and associated microbiome, is a fundamental principle of wound bed preparation. Timely removal of debris is essential for the...
BACKGROUND: Wound bed...
Case Report and Brief Review
Bryce French
Katherine Mandel
Ryan Martinez
The authors report a case of an invasive Aspergillus fumigatus infection following a subtotal colectomy for toxic megacolon. The patient was on antibiotics following the operation and chronic immunosuppression with steroids and infliximab....
The authors report a case of an invasive Aspergillus fumigatus infection following a subtotal colectomy for toxic megacolon. The patient was on antibiotics following the operation and chronic immunosuppression with steroids and infliximab....
The authors report a case of an...
Case Report and Brief Review
Matthew J. Dietz
Joseph T. Hare
Cristiane Ueno
Bonhomme J. Prud’homme
Jonathan W. Boyd
The case of an 80-year-old woman, who presented with a wound over the left medial elbow following a subacute recurrent elbow dislocation, illustrates the use of this technology in the field of orthopedics.
The case of an 80-year-old woman, who presented with a wound over the left medial elbow following a subacute recurrent elbow dislocation, illustrates the use of this technology in the field of orthopedics.
The case of an 80-year-old...