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Sex Differences in Osteomyelitis of the Foot in Persons With Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis
Empirical Research
Le-Xuan Zhang
Yu-Ting Wang
Jun Zhao
Yang Li
Hong-Lin Chen
This meta-analysis suggests that patient sex does not affect the odds of having osteomyelitis among persons with diabetes and diabetic foot disease or ulcers.
This meta-analysis suggests that patient sex does not affect the odds of having osteomyelitis among persons with diabetes and diabetic foot disease or ulcers.
This meta-analysis suggests that...
Wound Management & Prevention
Timothy Wright, CEO of MiMedx
Spotlight Interview
The Wound Care Learning Network had the opportunity to talk with Timothy Wright, the new chief executive officer of MiMedx, a biopharmaceutical company advancing the health care industry, including the field of wound care, with the...
The Wound Care Learning Network had the opportunity to talk with Timothy Wright, the new chief executive officer of MiMedx, a biopharmaceutical company advancing the health care industry, including the field of wound care, with the...
The Wound Care Learning Network...
Wound Care
Background: Mediastinitis is an uncommon complication that can result from coronary artery bypass graft surgery with less than a 1% occurrence rate. But it can be quite deadly, with a mor...
Background: Chronic venous insufficiency, foot and calf skin infections, blunt trauma and diabetes are the most common risk factors for long-lasting soft tissue inflammation leading ...
Background: Peripheral neuropathy, a common complication in diabetic patients, increases their risk to injury and has a significant impact on our society. An altered cytokines and gr...
Patient Handouts
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Get the Nutrition 4-1-1
Get the Nutrition 4-1-1
Today's Wound Clinic
Alan Block, DPM
Patients with diabetes and neuropathy can develop devastating foot and ankle complications, such as Charcot foot. An expert in the surgical reconstruction of the foot and ankle explains how collaborative care can prevent chronic or recurrent...
Patients with diabetes and neuropathy can develop devastating foot and ankle complications, such as Charcot foot. An expert in the surgical reconstruction of the foot and ankle explains how collaborative care can prevent chronic or recurrent...
Patients with diabetes and...
Today's Wound Clinic
Background: With diabetes considered a major global health problem, its rising prevalence will affect worldwide populations without regard for geographic location. Concerns are fuele...
Introduction: Fatty acids play an essential role in the mediation of inflammation. Recently, their mechanisms have been described as being associated with the activation of GPR-coupl...
From the Editor
Caroline E. Fife, MD, FAAFP, CWS, FUHM
What scares me the most about the following story is the fact that I did not pay attention to the problem until a few years ago, when we began developing quality measures for wound care practitioners. Now that I am paying attention, I’m...
What scares me the most about the following story is the fact that I did not pay attention to the problem until a few years ago, when we began developing quality measures for wound care practitioners. Now that I am paying attention, I’m...
What scares me the most about...
Today's Wound Clinic