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abdominal aortic aneurysm

The discovery of a single gene for development of familial (heritable) abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) was announced to the world in November 2011. And yet I have the impression that for some reason such momentous achievement has not had much...
The discovery of a single gene for development of familial (heritable) abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) was announced to the world in November 2011. And yet I have the impression that for some reason such momentous achievement has not had much...
The discovery of a single gene...
Vascular Disease Management
My patient was a 70-year-old gentleman with two issues that made him an excellent candidate to consider for aortic endografting. The first was that he had a hostile abdomen secondary to a previous Whipple procedure and multiple subsequent...
My patient was a 70-year-old gentleman with two issues that made him an excellent candidate to consider for aortic endografting. The first was that he had a hostile abdomen secondary to a previous Whipple procedure and multiple subsequent...
My patient was a 70-year-old...
Vascular Disease Management
Clinical Editor's Corner
The topic of endovascular therapy and its history is a favorite subject of mine. More specifically, aortic stent-graft technologies have occupied center stage for me ever since I became involved (serendipitously) in the Parodi abdominal...
The topic of endovascular therapy and its history is a favorite subject of mine. More specifically, aortic stent-graft technologies have occupied center stage for me ever since I became involved (serendipitously) in the Parodi abdominal...
The topic of endovascular...
Vascular Disease Management
Dr. Sherif Sultan explores the latest treatments for aortic aneurysm at the Veith Symposium 2011. Read more at Vascular Disease Management.
Dr. Sherif Sultan explores the latest treatments for aortic aneurysm at the Veith Symposium 2011. Read more at Vascular Disease Management.
Dr. Sherif Sultan explores the...
Vascular Disease Management
Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are an important form of cardiovascular disease. Since the 1950s when surgical techniques for resection and graft replacement were developed, definitive treatment has been available.
Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are an important form of cardiovascular disease. Since the 1950s when surgical techniques for resection and graft replacement were developed, definitive treatment has been available.
Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA)...
Vascular Disease Management

Fernando F. Gallardo, Sr., MD
Division of Vascular Surgery, A Coruña, Galicia, Spain

Fernando F. Gallardo, Sr., MD Divisio...
EVAR is considered relatively safe and effective for treating infrarenal AAA. In patients with favorable anatomy, it is widely considered the therapy of choice among clinicians. The indications for EVAR are expanding, particularly in...
EVAR is considered relatively safe and effective for treating infrarenal AAA. In patients with favorable anatomy, it is widely considered the therapy of choice among clinicians. The indications for EVAR are expanding, particularly in...
EVAR is considered relatively...
Vascular Disease Management
Case Report
Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms have a high mortality rate with only 50% of patients surviving to presentation at the emergency department. Of those who present, approximately one-third will demonstrate the classically described triad of...
Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms have a high mortality rate with only 50% of patients surviving to presentation at the emergency department. Of those who present, approximately one-third will demonstrate the classically described triad of...
Ruptured abdominal aortic...
Vascular Disease Management
New Techniques

Paola De Rango, MD

Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Hospital S.M. Misericordia, Perugia, Italy

Paola De Rango, MD Division of Vascu...
In less than 3 decades, EVAR has been converted from an escape procedure exclusively confined to high-risk patients to a primary choice procedure and preferred method for most patients with infrarenal AAA. Open surgery has increased in...
In less than 3 decades, EVAR has been converted from an escape procedure exclusively confined to high-risk patients to a primary choice procedure and preferred method for most patients with infrarenal AAA. Open surgery has increased in...
In less than 3 decades, EVAR has...
Vascular Disease Management
Clinical Editor's Corner
In this issue of Vascular Disease Management, De Rango et al wrote a valuable review of the current status of AAA therapy with a major focus on how open surgical treatment has evolved in the endovascular era.One of the most remarkable data...
In this issue of Vascular Disease Management, De Rango et al wrote a valuable review of the current status of AAA therapy with a major focus on how open surgical treatment has evolved in the endovascular era.One of the most remarkable data...
In this issue of Vascular...
Vascular Disease Management
There are about 1 and a half million people in the United States who have an undiagnosed problem called an abdominal aortic aneurysm. If they are under- or undiagnosed during the patient’s lifetime, there is a significant chance that they may...
There are about 1 and a half million people in the United States who have an undiagnosed problem called an abdominal aortic aneurysm. If they are under- or undiagnosed during the patient’s lifetime, there is a significant chance that they may...
There are about 1 and a half...
Vascular Disease Management