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Biodegradable Stents


George N. Kounis, MSc, MD1;  George D. Soufras, MD, PhD2;  Grigorios Tsigkas, MD3;  Nicholas G. Kounis, MD, PhD1

George N. Kounis, MSc, MD1;  George D...
A thoughtful commentary on a July 2014 JIC case report by Ruiz-Salmerón, et al, who provide a rebuttal to this letter.
A thoughtful commentary on a July 2014 JIC case report by Ruiz-Salmerón, et al, who provide a rebuttal to this letter.
A thoughtful commentary on a...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Rafael J. Ruiz-Salmer√≥n, PhD;  Sof√≠a Pereira, MD;  Daniela de Araujo, MD

Rafael J. Ruiz-Salmer√≥n, PhD;  Sof√≠...
We report a subacute bioresorbable scaffold thrombosis caused by stent collapse into a heavily calcified lesion.
We report a subacute bioresorbable scaffold thrombosis caused by stent collapse into a heavily calcified lesion.
We report a subacute...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology