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Inflammatory Response to Burn Trauma: Nicotine Attenuates Proinflammatory Cytokine Levels
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
L. Claassen, MD, S. Papst, MD, K. Reimers, PhD, C. Stukenborg-Colsman, MD, L. Steinstraesser, MD, P. M. Vogt, MD, T. Kraft, PhD, and A. D. Niederbichler, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCL....
Inflammatory Response to Burn Trauma: Nicotine Attenuates Proinflammatory Cytokine Levels L. Claassen, MD,a S. Papst, MD,b K. Reimers, PhD,c C. Stukenborg-Colsman, MD,a L. Steinstraesser, MD,d P. M. Vogt, MD,c T. Kraft, PhD,e and...
Inflammatory Response to Burn Trauma: Nicotine Attenuates Proinflammatory Cytokine Levels L. Claassen, MD,a S. Papst, MD,b K. Reimers, PhD,c C. Stukenborg-Colsman, MD,a L. Steinstraesser, MD,d P. M. Vogt, MD,c T. Kraft, PhD,e and...
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Sylvia Otto, MD;  Kristina Nitsche;  ...
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Journal of Invasive Cardiology