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plain old balloon angioplasty

Commentary Regarding Katsanos et al's Meta-Analysis: The Lessons Learned Should Impose Prudence and Caution

Francesco Liistro, MD




San Donato Hospital, Arezzo, Italy

Francesco Liistro, MD       San D...
Francesco Liistro, MD, comments on the meta-analysis presented by Katsanos et al.
Francesco Liistro, MD, comments on the meta-analysis presented by Katsanos et al.
Francesco Liistro, MD, comments...
Vascular Disease Management
Original Contribution

Subhash Banerjee, MD1,2;  Gene Pershwitz, MD2;  Karan Sarode, MA1,2;  Atif Mohammad, MD1,2;
Mazen S. Abu-Fadel, MD3;  Mirza S. Baig, MD1,2;  Shirling Tsai, MD1,2;  Bertis B. Little, PhD2;
Osvaldo S. Gigliotti, MD4;  Ediberto Soto-Cora, MD5;  Mazin I. Foteh, MD6;  Gerardo Rodriguez, MD7;
Andrew Klein, MD8;  Tayo Addo, MD1;  Michael Luna, MD1;  Nicolas W. Shammas, MD9;  Anand Prasad, MD10;
Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD1,2

Subhash Banerjee, MD1,2;  Gene Pershw...
We analyzed data from the ongoing multicenter XLPAD registry to report on the use of non-stent (atherectomy ± balloon angioplasty) and stent-based treatment of superficial femoral ar-tery (SFA), popliteal, and below-the-knee (BTK) vessels in...
We analyzed data from the ongoing multicenter XLPAD registry to report on the use of non-stent (atherectomy ± balloon angioplasty) and stent-based treatment of superficial femoral ar-tery (SFA), popliteal, and below-the-knee (BTK) vessels in...
We analyzed data from the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology