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Radiation Safety

Radiation shielding can provide effective protection from scatter radiation during vascular angiographic procedures.
Radiation shielding can provide effective protection from scatter radiation during vascular angiographic procedures.
Radiation shielding can provide...
Vascular Disease Management
TIger II vs JUdkins Catheters for Transradial Coronary Angiography (TIJUCA Study): A Randomized Controlled Trial of Radiation Exposure
Original Contribution
We compare the radiation exposure to patients during right TR-CAG with Tiger II catheter (Terumo Interventional Systems) vs Judkins right (JR) 4.0/Judkins left (JL) 3.5 catheters (Cordis Corporation).
We compare the radiation exposure to patients during right TR-CAG with Tiger II catheter (Terumo Interventional Systems) vs Judkins right (JR) 4.0/Judkins left (JL) 3.5 catheters (Cordis Corporation).
We compare the radiation...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
Use of last fluoro hold (LFH) mode in fluoroscopy, which enables the last live image to be saved and displayed, could reduce radiation during percutaneous coronary intervention when compared with cine mode. This is the first study to compare...
Use of last fluoro hold (LFH) mode in fluoroscopy, which enables the last live image to be saved and displayed, could reduce radiation during percutaneous coronary intervention when compared with cine mode. This is the first study to compare...
Use of last fluoro hold (LFH)...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Radial Access Technique
We report the learning curve over 5 years in a high-volume interventional center during the crossover from the transfemoral access to transradial access for percutaneous coronary intervention. In particular, we evaluate clinical...
We report the learning curve over 5 years in a high-volume interventional center during the crossover from the transfemoral access to transradial access for percutaneous coronary intervention. In particular, we evaluate clinical...
We report the learning curve...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology