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direct stenting

Original Contribution

Fernando Stucchi Devito, MD, PhD1,2;  Pedro Beraldo de Andrade, MD, PhD3;  Carlos Eduardo Faria Silva, MD2; Maria Paula C. Menezes2;  Alexandre Abizaid, MD, PhD1;  Jos√© de Ribamar Costa Jr, MD, PhD1;  Ricardo A. Costa, MD, PhD1;  Amanda G.M.R. Sousa, MD, PhD1

Fernando Stucchi Devito, MD, PhD1,2; ...
The use of the Svelte Acrobat Integrated Delivery System via radial approach with 5 Fr catheters is evaluated for safety and efficacy. In this 50-patient study, the authors show that this direct stenting system enables easy delivery,...
The use of the Svelte Acrobat Integrated Delivery System via radial approach with 5 Fr catheters is evaluated for safety and efficacy. In this 50-patient study, the authors show that this direct stenting system enables easy delivery,...
The use of the Svelte Acrobat...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology