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transfemoral intervention

Original Contribution

Tsutomu Murakami, MD;  Naoki Masuda, MD;  Sho Torii, MD;  Takeshi Ijichi, MD;  Makoto Natsumeda, MD; Toshiharu Fujii, MD;  Masataka Nakano, MD;  Yohei Ohno, MD;  Gaku Nakazawa, MD;  Norihiko Shinozaki, MD, PhD;  Khalid O. Tammam, MD;  Takashi Matsukage, MD, PhD;  Nobuhiko Ogata, MD, PhD; Fuminobu Yoshimachi, MD, PhD;  Yuji Ikari, MD, PhD

Tsutomu Murakami, MD;  Naoki Masuda, ...
We retrospectively analyzed 207 CTO lesions in 195 patients in a single center between January 2008 and December 2011 and found that over  one-half of CTO lesions can be treated with high success and low complication rates by TRI if the...
We retrospectively analyzed 207 CTO lesions in 195 patients in a single center between January 2008 and December 2011 and found that over  one-half of CTO lesions can be treated with high success and low complication rates by TRI if the...
We retrospectively analyzed 207...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology