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Radial Access Technique

Original Contribution

Marc Trilla, RN;  Xavier Freixa, MD;  Ander Regueiro, MD;  Diego Fern√°ndez-Rodriguez, MD;  Salvatore Brugaletta, MD;  Victoria Martin-Yuste, MD;  Marcelo Jim√©nez, MD;  Amadeo Betriu, MD;  Manel Sabat√©, MD;  M√≥nica Masotti, MD

Marc Trilla, RN;  Xavier Freixa, MD; ...
This study on the impact of aging on the incidence and severity of radial spasm during coronary catheterization suggests the need to intensify preventive measures in young patients in order to reduce the incidence of radial spasm.
This study on the impact of aging on the incidence and severity of radial spasm during coronary catheterization suggests the need to intensify preventive measures in young patients in order to reduce the incidence of radial spasm.
This study on the impact of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Radial Access Technique

Shantu Bundhoo, MD1;  Ganesh Nallur-Shivu, MD1;  Nicholas Ossei-Gerning, MD1;  Azfar Zaman, MD2;  Tim D. Kinnaird, MD1;  Richard A. Anderson, MD1

Shantu Bundhoo, MD1;  Ganesh Nallur-S...
We report the learning curve over 5 years in a high-volume interventional center during the crossover from the transfemoral access to transradial access for percutaneous coronary intervention. In particular, we evaluate clinical...
We report the learning curve over 5 years in a high-volume interventional center during the crossover from the transfemoral access to transradial access for percutaneous coronary intervention. In particular, we evaluate clinical...
We report the learning curve...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology