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Original Contribution

Marcin Kowalski, MD1;  J. Brian DeVille, MD2;  J. Thomas Svinarich, MD3;  Dan Dan, MD4;  Andrew Wickliffe, MD5;  Charan Kantipudi, MD5;  Jason D. Foell, PhD6;  Giovanni Filardo, PhD, MPH2;  Reece Holbrook, BSEE6;  James Baker, MD7;  Hassan Baydoun, MD8;  Mark Jenkins, MD9;  Peter Chang-Sing, MD10

Marcin Kowalski, MD1;  J. Brian DeVil...
An assessment of the economic value associated with shorter atrial fibrillation ablation procedure times based on VALUE PVI data. 
An assessment of the economic value associated with shorter atrial fibrillation ablation procedure times based on VALUE PVI data. 
An assessment of the economic...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology