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pressure injury prevention

Evidence-based nursing interventions to prevent pressure injuries are well known. Yet, significant incidence of pressure injuries still occur. An important component to sustain pressure i...
Moisture is one of many factors that place a patient at risk for pressure injury development. Four sutures hold tracheostomy devices tight over the clavicle. Post-operative swelling, drai...
Evidence Corner
Laura Bolton
This month’s Evidence Corner reviews a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and a prospective observational study that offer important clues on how to prevent hospital inpatient falls. 
This month’s Evidence Corner reviews a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and a prospective observational study that offer important clues on how to prevent hospital inpatient falls. 
This month’s Evidence Corner...
Original Research
This report is a description of ongoing, hospital-wide efforts to understand the common factors of HAPI causality and to establish corrective action plans institutionally to prevent similar events in the future.
This report is a description of ongoing, hospital-wide efforts to understand the common factors of HAPI causality and to establish corrective action plans institutionally to prevent similar events in the future.
This report is a description of...