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Fontan Conduit thrombosis

Clinical Images

Pradyumna Agasthi, MD1; Haraldur Bjarnason, MD2; Jason H. Anderson, MD1

Pradyumna Agasthi, MD1; Haraldur Bjar...
A 32-year-old man with history of hypoplastic left heart syndrome status post-Fontan palliation had previously undergone Fontan conduit and left pulmonary artery stenting to relieve conduit obstruction.
A 32-year-old man with history of hypoplastic left heart syndrome status post-Fontan palliation had previously undergone Fontan conduit and left pulmonary artery stenting to relieve conduit obstruction.
A 32-year-old man with history...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Figure. Intracardiac Echocardiogram

Pradyumna Agasthi MD; Haraldur Bjarnason, MD; Jason H. Anderson MD

Pradyumna Agasthi MD; Haraldur Bjarna...
Video Supplement to "Endovascular Rehabilitation of Acutely Thrombosed Fontan Conduit in a Patient With Multiorgan Failure" (December 2023 Clinical Image)
Video Supplement to "Endovascular Rehabilitation of Acutely Thrombosed Fontan Conduit in a Patient With Multiorgan Failure" (December 2023 Clinical Image)
Video Supplement to...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology