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Original Contribution

Harsh Golwala, MD1;  Sadip Pant, MD1;  Ambarish Pandey, MD2;  Michael P. Flaherty, MD, PhD1;  Glenn A. Hirsch, MD, MHS1;  Ajay J. Kirtane, MD, SM3


Harsh Golwala, MD1;  Sadip Pant, MD1;...
This survey was conducted to better understand current United States (US) practices in terms of preferences regarding the selection of antithrombotic therapy in STEMI-PPCI, particularly in light of recent clinical trials.
This survey was conducted to better understand current United States (US) practices in terms of preferences regarding the selection of antithrombotic therapy in STEMI-PPCI, particularly in light of recent clinical trials.
This survey was conducted to...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology