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lower-extremity disease

Original Contribution

Wonho Kim, MD1,3,4;  Ramon Quesada, MD2;  Melanie B. Schernthaner, MD1;  Raul E. Herrera, MD1;  Juan-Carlos Zevallos, MD3;  Victor N. Becerra, BS3;  Juan M. Acu√±a, MD3;  Barry T. Katzen, MD1

Wonho Kim, MD1,3,4;  Ramon Quesada, M...
We investigated whether successful revascularization of total occlusion of a large lower-extremity artery is associated with improvement of left ventricular diastolic function.
We investigated whether successful revascularization of total occlusion of a large lower-extremity artery is associated with improvement of left ventricular diastolic function.
We investigated whether...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology